STOTP-M (SAS Component) have received air-rigs from SAS-Braathens Stavanger and the task is to put them in use so different type of components can be tested.
STOTP-M has never before performed any component testing in air-rigs and is now creating procedures for documentation of this.
As a part of this work a database has to be created so that the person who is performing the tests can store the results.
This information will later determine the level of disassembly for different types of failures. To determine the level of disassembly for different types of failures is today very hard because the shop has never performed earlier maintenance of this kind.
When a component enter the shop it can be very hard to find the faulty parts that caused the failure. Based on this a pre-test is accomplished where you deside what actions to perform in the shop.
In this thesis a database is created where you can store the data from the pre-test and also the performed work on the component. This will in the future give a good image of what parts in the component that will break down depending on what type of reason for removal that have occured.
In addition to the database an failure analysis on three pneumatical components have been performed. This analysis includes a failure description for different types of reason for removals, and what actions to implement for each shop visit.
The results from the analysis will give a better maintenance of the three analysed components. In the future the database will in effective way store and supply information from all the components, which will lead to more effective measures.
Because the failure analysis is with consideration to reason for removal it will give the failure indications on the component already in the incoming test, and with the help of the database the mechanic will have the procedures for the test.