The report is about a thesis created by two students at Mälardalen University in Västerås. The thesis is to develop and construct a document that contains EASA Part M Section A plus the associated AMC. The goal is to create an easy document to work with by navigating through hyperlinks and using keyboard shortcut in the PDF program and include paraphrase of reasons behind the changes made to Regulation 2024/2003. The work also includes two guides. The first one is about guidance for how to update the main document (EASA Part M and associated AMC) and the second one is a presentation that helps you to find/explore the website of EASA.
The users of this document are students, and possibly airlines therefore the focus is to create an educational document. Which file type should document be presented in, which regulations shall be included in the document, are other problems that we have deal with in the thesis.
Our method is divided in "three-steps": 1 data collection from the Internet, 2 text processing using Microsoft Office 2007 and 3 exporting the documents in PDF format which is also generated by the Microsoft Office 2007.
The result became a well structured document that compiles EASA Part M and the associated AMC. The document is simpler, making it also easier to understand by the user. We wish that you read on and take advantage of this thesis.