Traditional production location decisions are mainly based upon economic factors while factors that facilitate decision makers in selecting the most suitable production location in terms of operations performance are rarely considered. Therefore, this paper presents a developed decision support for production localization that emphasises operational factors to be considered in the decision making. The research methodology combines a literature study with a multiple case study method. The findings are synthesised into a five phase decision process for making production localization decisions in practice. For each of these phases, key activities with related tools and expected output are developed.
Denna handbok beskriver en enkel metod som kan användas av alla typer av teknikföretag som vill minska sin miljöbelastning från produktion. Metoden som presenteras i handboken kallas ”Green Performance Map” eller GPM-metoden. Den har utvecklats i forskningsprojektet ”Green production systems” som finansierats av VINNOVA:s program för Fordonsstrategisk forskning och innovation (FFI) under 2009-2012. Metoden är uppbyggd i olika aktivitetssteg: 0) Förberedelse 1) Identifiering av miljöaspekter 2) Prioritering av miljöaspekter 3) Handlingsplan 4) Implementering 5) Utvärdering av resultatet. Miljöaspekterna visualiseras i en input/outputmodell där processen man jobbar med delas in i fyra input-kategorier; värdeadderande material, tillsatsmaterial, energi och vatten, och fyra outputkategorier; produktiv output, restprodukter, utsläpp till luft/buller samt utsläpp till vatten/mark. Metoden gör det enkelt att visualisera miljöaspekterna på olika nivåer, antingen för hela företaget, ett produktionsavsnitt eller en specifik tillverkningsprocess. Grundtanken är att utgå från de miljöaspekter ett arbetslag kan påverka själv och få igång ett kontinuerligt förbättringsarbete som är bra för miljön samtidigt som det sparar pengar för företaget. Huvudsyftet med GPM-metoden är att inspirera företag att bredda engagemanget för miljöarbetet. Det behövs enkla verktyg för att stödja miljöförbättringsarbetet på alla nivåer i företaget på samma sätt som det idag finns en hel verktygslåda för införandet av Lean produktion. Många företag har idag redan en struktur för förbättringsarbete i produktionen. I dessa fall är det fördelaktigt att integrera även miljöförbättringsarbetet i den befintliga strukturen.
Decision are commonly based on the available or easily accessible information; this is also true for more complex assessments like production localization. Where to locate production is often a key strategic decisions that has great impact on a company’s profitability for a long time; insufficient business intelligence may therefore have grave consequences. Six production localization factor studies have been assessed to see if they are focusing on the same issues and if there are any gaps. A new approach for structuring localization factors and the localization process is then presented and assessed with regards to some previously identified critical issues.
The paper explores the process and criteria used in production location decisions, based on a literature overview and a case study in a Swedish manufacturing company with a global production network. The data collection comprised interviews with top management and project management as well as a document analysis. The findings indicate that the production location decision process is facilitated by following a stepwise process with an initial strategic analysis with a broad scope including also the selection of the future production system concept.
The footprint strategy of a manufacturing company is frequently highlighted as a key aspect to the company's competitive advantage. However, research concerning international location decisions is limited. A comprehensive strategy has to function in a world with limited resources and continuous change of values. The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual model of the process for efficient production localisation decisions by integrating aspects influencing the design of the manufacturing footprint. Research on drivers for location of manufacturing emphasise input factors, market factors and technological knowhow as key factors. Looking at the entire industrial system, earlier research also illustrates the broad range of roles for the manufacturing plant within a company's industrial system. Based upon this discussion of the motive for manufacturing location and the strategic role of the manufacturing plant, a conceptual model is introduced emphasising different levels that should be considered during the process of preparing a localisation decision. It serves as a base for more detailed studies on specific aspects, models and factors for manufacturing footprint analysis.
Companies are challenged to achieve maximised benefits in time, money and novelty when introducing new products or technologies into their existing manufacturing systems. This paper set the focus on the introduction of new materials into existing products and if the adverse effects on manufacturing will outweigh the benefits. An automotive case was studied where discrete event simulation was used as tool to evaluate process consequences when introducing new material and process technologies into the production system. The question concerned if discrete event simulation can verify production system capabilities even in early conceptual design stages. The case analysis is concluded by three challenge areas concerning early stages of production system design. The difficulties of evaluating operational key performance indicators early in design processes become evident and needed future research efforts within the area are pointed out. © 2016 The Authors.
Production control mechanisms have been broadly investigated by researchers, where each type of production control mechanism has different performance depending on the situation. However, the situation with high variety products in a divergent production line has been rarely studied. This paper presents a study on the applicability of four different production control mechanism; three different variants of POLCA as well as one type of CONWIP control in an automotive production company with high variety of products and divergent line. ExtendSim simulation software has been used for discrete event simulation in order to analyse the production line and compare strategies. The main criteria for comparing the performance were throughput, shop floor throughput time and level of work in process (WIP). The study shows that m-CONWIP (as a variant of CONWIP) is recommended in this situation, as it leads to more reduction in WIP amount and throughput time, while throughput value does not drop.
Production control mechanism is a critical element in today’s production situation, where production systems compete on quick response and resource efficiency. The purpose of a production control mechanism is to define the best time to release material and orders. POLCA as a simple production control mechanism that in one hand tries to reduce throughput time and on the other hand helps manager to control work-in-process inventory. In addition to reviewing the history of the production control mechanism and looking into some of them, the paper classify production control mechanisms in different categories and studies more specifically a POLCA system performance in a divergent production line situation with long changeover time in the supplier cell (the shared cell which has to supply different routes). It is concluded that the best form of POLCA in a divergent production line is to push material in the first stage without any limit and then control and limit it in the second stage.
One of the critical elements that managers face in manufacturing companies is to find an appropriate Production Control Mechanism (PCM) for their shop floor. There are many different PCMs and each of them has different performance depending on the situation. A convergent production line is a situation that rarely has been studied from this perspective. This study compares three kind of PCM that are identified as suitable for such a complex production line: POLCA, CONWIP and m-CONWIP. Extendsim simulation software was employed for discrete event simulation in order to compare performance of the considered PCMs in a convergent production line producing one type of product. The results indicate that the studied PCMs show distinct different performance in the various configurations of the convergent production line. The simulation shows (a bit surprisingly) that POLCA has the best performance in the considered situation and m-CONWIP has the worst performance. However, in an even more complex situation with more product types, the performance of POLCA would be under question. The study complements previous studies on PCM applicability and configuration, and has a strong industrial implication for the increased emphasis on decision support for operations management in a resource efficient production setting.
This study analyzes the challenges of applying discrete event simulation in the early stages of production system design. Highlighting the implications of new production processes and technologies leading to improved competitiveness, this study provides novel contributions to the understanding of discrete event simulation based on three case studies of the transformation of legacy production systems in the heavy vehicle industry. The findings of this study show that equivocal or ambiguous understanding about new production processes or technologies, and uncertainty about necessary data input and the interrelation of subsystems in production, are critical in addressing discrete event simulation-related challenges. These findings highlight the need for an established process to manage assumptions and simplifications during the design, development, and deployment of discrete event simulation models as a countermeasure against uncertainties, improving manufacturing system design and practice.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the selection of decision-making approaches at manufacturing companies when implementing process innovations.Design/methodology/approach: This study reviews the current understanding of decision structuredness for determining a decision-making approach, and conducts a case study based on an interactive research approach at a global manufacturer. Findings: The findings show the correspondence of intuitive, normative, and combined intuitive and normative decision-making approaches in relation to varying degrees of equivocality and analyzability. Accordingly, the conditions for determining a decision-making choice when implementing process innovations are revealed. Research limitations/implications: This study contributes to increased understanding of the combined use of intuitive and normative decision-making in production system design. Practical implications: Empirical data are drawn from two projects in the heavy-vehicle industry. The study describes decisions, from start to finish, and the corresponding decision-making approaches when implementing process innovations. These findings are of value to staff responsible for the design of production systems. Originality/value: Unlike prior conceptual studies, this study considers normative, intuitive, and combined intuitive and normative decision-making. In addition, this study extends the current understanding of decision structuredness, and discloses the correspondence of decision-making approaches to varying degrees of equivocality and analyzability.
A tenet of production system design is to increase a manufacturing companys competitiveness by introducing novel processes, technologies, and products. However, uncertainties exist regarding the actual benefits that can be attained when novelty and change are introduced into a production system. Addressing this issue, this paper explores how manufacturing companies can reduce uncertainties that challenge production system design decisions when significant changes are introduced into the production system. A real-time case study at a Swedish manufacturing company that decided to change its existing product specific assembly system to a multi-product assembly one was performed. Empirical results identify uncertainties challenging production system design configuration, and the activities targeting reduction of uncertainty. To extend current theory, empirical case study data is synthesized with current findings in production system design decisions, and uncertainty reduction in product design decisions. The paper concludes that information acquisition, uncertainty prioritization, project member background, and complexity of change influence uncertainty reduction in production system design decisions. Managerial implications highlight the importance of information acquisition and a structured approach when reducing uncertainties necessary to achieve an efficient and effective production system design. Thus, academic approaches to uncertainty reduction could benefit manufacturing practice.
This study investigates the achievement of information consensus and the reduction of equivocality in process innovations. Drawing on the operations management literature, a new framework to guide information consensus in the reduction of equivocality in process innovations is proposed. The analysis is based on a real-time case study in the heavy vehicle industry. The results show that information consensus is not achieved by a single event, but active work towards this goal is necessary, and a clear set of pre-requisites is needed for achieving information consensus. The concepts of strategic objective, decision areas, and external and internal fit are identified as pre-requisites for achieving information consensus about the purpose, characteristics, and functionalities of process innovations.
Growing operational complexity and higher variety of products require flexibility in assembly. Despite its many benefits flexibility is a complex concept that requires evaluation to harness its full potential. This study uses virtual verification tools as enablers of the decision making process for production system design of a flexible multi-product assembly system. A case study approach analyses a flexible assembly concept for the earth moving equipment industry through a visual and a discrete event simulation model. The paper also discusses the challenges faced by virtual verification tools when applied to the evaluation of flexible assembly systems.
This paper presents challenges of using discrete event simulation when supporting decision in early stages of production system design, when significant changes are introduced. It was based on three real-time case studies performed at one manufacturing company during 2014-2016. Challenges in the cases were mapped to previous literature, pointing out discrepancies and highlighting three additional challenges, specifically related to issues in the early stages of the pro-duction system design process. The significant change introduced to the assembly system, and the early phases of evaluation put significant challenges to the use of discrete event simulation and the study points out further efforts needed to support manufacturing companies under change, with an established industrial structure and legacy systems to consider.
Effective production systems are necessary for companies to achieve competitiveness in manufacturing, and the production system design process is fundamental to meet this goal. Discrete event simulation is a tool that can support the production system design process. However, few empirical studies have shown the use of this tool prior to the verification of an already chosen alternative, or an implemented production system solution. There is a need to explore how discrete event simulation can be used in the production system design process. A case study at a global manufacturing company, that used this tool in the design of its assembly system, is presented. The results of this study show where and for what purpose were the DES models used for in the production system design process. This study concludes that DES can support this activity and suggestions for future research are made.
Investments in production equipment are made to generate desired production benefit. This work examines how benefit generally is defined and to what extent the benefit is well defined when equipment investments are made. The study revealed that benefit from investments often is unclearly or inconsistently defined, with a narrow system view and often has a weak correlation with benefit for a production system with broader boundaries. This could hamper the possibility to capitalize on industrial trends that indicate a shift in focus, from products, to the benefit utilization of the products can deliver.
Meeting customer demands require manufacturing systems with a high degree of flexibility in the same time as the use of automation is becoming critical for competition. This is challenging, especially for SMEs with their inferior economical and competence conditions. This paper presents a new set up where the Factory-in-a-Box concept has been realized for a small manufacturing company with a profile of craftsmanship and small volumes. The objective of this paper is to discuss the possibility for SMEs to use automation and the Factory-in-a-box-concept to stay competitive and also the Factory-in-a-Box concept as means for realizing a Product-Service System.
Automation in internal logistics is an enabler to increase overall competitiveness in an organisation. However, its use is currently limited. The main objective of this paper is to highlight the existing strategic and operational challenges to using and developing automation in internal logistics. A three-phased empirical study has been conducted, including case studies and a survey. The findings reveal a lack of responsibility for, and insight in current state of logistics operations as well as a lack of vision and strategy giving directions for desired future state of operations. In addition, the actual automation projects are hindered by poorly defined and supported processes. It is concluded that functional strategies for internal logistics and automation can give the support needed along with process models for automation projects. The content and application of these strategies and models are suggested.
The current demographic development puts even greater demands on the healthcare sector which already struggle with scarce resources and constant pressure of cost reductions. This paper aims at through a multiple case study describe how automation of hospital internal logistics can be a tool in improving the efficiency. The results include several potential implementations for patient transports, waste handling and small goods transports. However, organizational issues as lack of ownership and a strategic view render difficulties and needs to be dealt with. The authors conclude that transfer of knowledge and technology used in manufacturing industry would be beneficial.
Trender mot mer automatiserad produktion och allt snabbare förändringstakt av produktionssystem ställer krav på snabba, effektiva och verksamhetsanpassade utvecklingsprocesser av automationslösningar. Denna handbok beskriver centrala delar i en automationsstrategi, som stöd för utveckling av automationslösningar till produktionssystem. Den är relevant för alla typer av tillverkande verksamheter och leverantörer som vill effektivisera anskaffandet och införandet av ny automationsteknik. Handboken beskriver en automationsstrategi uppdelad i fyra huvudområden: Del 1 Ekonomi Del 2 Organisation Del 3 Process Del 4 Teknik Stort fokus ligger på att engagera olika kompetenser och aktörer, liksom att betrakta automationsstrategin som en del av en helhet tillsammans med övriga delar i och utanför verksamheten. Automationsstrategin lyfter vilka faktorer inom de olika huvudområdena som påverkar vid utveckling av automationslösningar. Den gör det möjligt att analysera vilken affärsmodell som passar verksamhetens förutsättningar bäst och vilka organisatoriska strukturer som är viktiga för verksamhetens automationskompetens. Den innehåller också en stegmall för effektiv anskaffning av automationsutrustning och tre viktiga kategorier av teknik som kan stötta utvecklingsprocessen. Handboken har tagits fram i projektet lean automationsutveckling, eller LEAD, som har finansierats av Vinnovas program FFI Hållbar produktion under 2013-2015. Grundidén var att underlätta både planering, utveckling och anskaffning av automationslösningar genom att förse de utvecklingsprocesser som idag är etablerade med verktyg från lean produktutveckling. På så vis säkerställs att verksamheter kan dra nytta av ny automationsteknik med så effektivt utnyttjande av resurser, hög hållbarhet och hög lönsamhet som möjligt.
Human-industrial robot collaboration has been introduced as the ultimate combination for industry. The endurance and strength of a robot is combined with a human’s flexibility, precision and quality skills. One challenge in the implementation of human-industrial robot collaboration is to create a safe working station for the operators, therefore most of the research focuses on these safety aspects. Industrial designers and engineers verify and optimise workstations in different simulation and visualisation tools in order to improve competitiveness, reduce late changes and reduce cost. Several robot tools and digital human modelling tools are available, but there are no or few simulation and visualisation tools that include both humans and robots. The aim of the proposed paper is to illustrate how unique software can be used to verify human-industrial robot collaboration. This software is a combination of the robot simulation tool IPS and the digital human modelling tool IMMA. The software demonstration is promising, covering the gap between digital human modelling tools and robot simulation tools. The simulation and visualisation tools generate pictures and animations, as well as quantified numbers to aid well-founded decision-making. The demonstration software was used to analyse a truck tyre assembly station. Fully manual, fully automated and human-industrial robot collaboration were compared.
Practitioner Summary: The presented paper illustrates simulation and visualisation software for the virtual verification of Human - Industrial Robot collaboration. The software demonstration is a combination of the robot simulation tool IPS and the digital human modelling tool IMMA. The software demonstration is promising, covering the gap between digital human modelling tools and robot simulation tools.
Keywords: ergonomics, digital human modelling, robot simulation, simulation and visualisation
Meeting customer demands require manufacturing systems with a high degree of flexibility, low-cost/low-volume manufacturing skills, as well as short delivery times. On top of these challenges, there is a gigantic need within industry for technologies and strategies that will reduce CO(2) emissions globally. In this challenging environment there is a need to identify and develop new and improved manufacturing capabilities within the manufacturing industry. The Factory-in-a-Box concept consists of standardized production modules that are e.g. installed in a container and transported by truck or by train. The concept has been developed, exemplified and realized in five industrial demonstrators developed by researchers together with competitive manufacturing companies in Sweden such as ABB Robotics, Bombardier and Pharmadule. The objective of this paper is to discuss the possibility of realizing a Product Service System (PSS) using the results from the Factory-in-a-Box project.
Long term growth and future jobs in society rely on that industry is able to realize new sustainable product ideas and develop these to profitable products in the market. This encompasses both short time-to-market and continuous development and adaption of existing products and processes to improve productivity. Innovative skills are required in both product/service development and in product/service introduction. Thus, there is a need for new innovative methods and models that supports and strengthens industry in generating new ideas and realizing these into successful products and improved processes. This paper discusses and compares engineering design, innovation, and design. The paper argues that there is a need to integrate the disciplines and work practices of innovation and design in the engineering design field and to build multi-disciplinary environments to be successful in research, education and in industry. A conceptual framework for innovation and design inspired product realization is presented in the paper.
Science and Technology Park's (STP) often offers business incubators to Idea owners where they can develop ideas into companies. The scope of this paper is a study in how the RAFT-model, a How to-model based innovation process, affected four Idea owners with environmental innovations in different business areas. This paper also shows how twenty-one Swedish STPs offer Innovation Advice (IA) to Idea owners and think of IA as a competitive offer. All Idea owners found the RAFT-model useful and consider using the RAFT-model again. Two ideas were still in a developing progress and the other two were shut down. Five of the STPs thought IA as a competitive offer to Idea owners, the others found IA proper to be offered by other organizations. Conclusions from this study are that the RAFT-model was appropriate to environmental innovations and STPs found IA valuable for Idea owners but not as a competitive motive.
Innovative, resource-efficient solutions and effective waste management systems capture value in business and contribute to sustainability. However, due to scattered waste management responsibilities in the vehicle industry and the orientation of operations management and lean tools, which mostly focus on lead-time and labour-time improvements, the requirement of a collaborative method to include material waste efficiency in operational development is identified. The main purpose of this research is to study how operations management and environmental management can be integrated on an operational level and include the waste management supply chain. Based on a literature review of environmental and operational improvement tools and principles, the gaps and needs in current practice were identified. A large case study implementing a waste flow mapping (WFM) method on a set of manufacturing sites revealed potentials in terms of reducing material losses and inefficiencies in the handling of materials and waste. Finally, the integrated WFM method was analysed with respect to the gaps and needs identified in the existing body of tools for operational and environmental improvement. The method combines lean manufacturing tools, such as value stream mapping with cleaner production and material flow cost accounting strategies. The empirical data showed that the WFM method is adequate for current state analysis of waste material efficiency potentials, especially when multiple organisations are involved. However, further development and specific methods are needed such as, for example, logistics inefficiencies, root cause analysis, implementation guidelines for best practice and systems for performance monitoring of actors.
Two change management strategies: a minimum change, exploitation strategy (kaizen) and a maximum output, exploration strategy (kaikaku) have been applied in a manufacturing case study. Value stream mapping and discrete event simulation were used to analyse the production system changes, with regards to robustness and total lead-time, to increase knowledge of how to choose change management strategy. The results point out that available time is crucial. It is important to consider not only product specification and return of investment, but also the change and risk management. Future research should develop engineering change management further.
An efficient Waste Management System creates increased business value contributing to manufacturing industry sustainability and realizes economic opportunities. Previous studies have shown the economic potential of improving material efficiency by climbing the waste hierarchy and turning waste liabilities into assets. World economic forum also identifies innovation for resource efficient solutions and business models as the most strategic option to capture value in industry. The main responsibility for waste lies with the operations owner but since waste management usually is operated by other functions or companies, supportive methods to include material waste in operational development are needed. The main purpose of the research has therefore been to develop a method framework for identifying and analysing potentials for waste management in manufacturing industry, including residual material values of metals, combustible and inert waste, process fluids and other hazardous waste. Case studies were conducted to find economically competitive environmental improvements on team, site and multisite level and to define suitable performance indicators for continuous improvements. A novel approach: waste flow mapping (WFM), combining Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Eco mapping and a waste composition analysis with basic lean principles is used. The material’s value flow and the information flow is analysed in a VSM. Eco-mapping is used to give a graphical structure for the analysis of labour and equipment, with subsequent costs. Finally the waste hierarchy and composition analysis is used to imply the potential for business improvements and best practice examples are used. The developed method reveals the potential in an easy way and support integration of waste management in operations and continuous improvement work.
Empirical data from a full scale multi-site study of waste management of material residuals at a global manufacturing company’s operations in Sweden are used to exemplify that with the WFM approach the mapping can be done in an efficient and consistent manner, revealing value losses and improvement potentials. Fraction definitions and operational practice standards were essential to realise cost efficiency and reach a more sustainable footprint. Comparisons between sites show that with simple actions, substantial improvements in recycling efficiency can be made, leading to proposed performance indicators and highlighting the need for established standardized implementation solutions. The results further point out the importance of avoiding mixing material with lower quality grade of that material. The experiences prove that Waste Flow Mapping is a suitable method to efficiently identify sustainability improvement potentials.
This paper analyse the current practice in environmental key performance indicator (KPI) allocation and presents an industrially applicable tool, focusing on the link between KPIs and environmental sustainability. The empirical base for the paper is a study of operational KPIs and environmental performance control within two Swedish manufacturing companies, on corporate, plant, and workstation level. It is concluded that the presented Green Performance Map gives managers, environmental specialists and improvement teams a common but comprehensive view of the manufacturing’s environmental performance and a method to collect, visualize and prioritize improvement efforts.
This paper focuses on integration of operations management, specifically production system models with environmental management and related issues such as quality and safety. Based on knowledge concerning lean-based improvement programmes for company-specific production systems (XPS) and integration between formal management systems, such as ISO 9001 and 14001, industrial practices from integrating management systems with the XPS were studied. A literature-based comparison between formal management systems and XPS is made, indicating integration potentials. The empirical research is an analysis of five vehicle and automotive companies in which various efforts have been made to integrate their management systems with their XPS. The results show that although conscious steps have been taken since the introduction of ISO 14001 in integrating environmental management into everyday operations, there are still obstacles to overcome. To fully include sustainability aspects, the characteristics of the improvement systems have to be adapted and extended. One barrier to extended integration is the lack of integration strategy. There is further a lack of sustainability metrics and adaptation of improvement methods to push companies' operational performance. In addition, organisational issues still arise concerning the responsibility and ownership of environmental management in relation to operations. Based on these results it is concluded that processes for integration are recommended; however, each organisation needs to consider its operations, corporate culture and business opportunities of its environmental management. Still, incorporating environmental management systems into XPS is seen as an effective way of establishing company commonality in continuous improvement, resulting in holistic understanding and improved organisation performance.
Virtually every company has implemented a Business Performance Measurement System (BPMS) with the purpose of monitoring production and business performance and to execute the corporate strategy at all levels in a company. The purpose of this article is to shed light on common pitfalls related to the practical use of BPMS and further to present a life cycle model with the purpose of introducing structured approach to avoiding the pitfalls. The article contributes to further development of the BPMS life cycle concept and practical examples of how it can be used.
The purpose of this article is to empirically investigate the present state of the performance measurement systems (PMS) at 7 sites of 6 different large Swedish manufacturing companies. The methodology has both a bottom-up and a top-down perspective. Important findings are that the PMSs are very similar in how they function but differ a lot in what is measured.
The scope of industrial automation is shifting into a third wave of automation based on extreme information availability, cyber-physical systems and data analytics. This paper present critical factors and way forward for the development of the Swedish industrial automation sector, both users and suppliers. Based on literature and practice studies, and a survey including some 40 respondents, ten factors for realising the third wave of automation was identified with four key factors: Technology, Processes, Business models and Competence. Finally, initial steps on a way forward are proposed for the development of Swedish automation industry and research.
In this study, we have asked respondents to rank ten different waste fractions that are both common in manufacturing industry and easily recognizable. The purpose of the study has been to clarify to what extent individuals are able to identify the waste fractions that are most important to recycle from an environmental perspective. The individuals’ perception has then been correlated with a life cycle assessment of the ten materials. In addition, the respondents were also asked to rank the fractions according to cost. The results show that metals are consistently considered most important to recycle, and plastics are commonly among the top five amongst the ten waste fractions together with glass. The cellulose based fractions, cotton, and compost are commonly rated low. In addition, there is a perceived correlation between the environmental and economic impact.
This paper elaborates upon how early manufacturing involvement in new product development (NPD) can be realised to safeguard that manufacturing system requirements are communicated to product development teams. Two industrial practices have been studied in companies within the automotive sector. The forms of manufacturing involvement are presented for the two NPD cases during early phases of concept and product development (when the design has a considerable impact on production). Forms of involvement are separated according to the areas of process, organisation and mechanisms. The results can provide insight to manufacturing about how to proactively participate in NPD activities.
A clear and well-defined new product development (NPD) process, cross-functional development teams and project fit with manufacturing resources and skills, are three areas critical to achieve lower cost, high quality and short time to market in NPD. However it is not clear who from manufacturing function should be involved and in which phase during the NPD project. In order to address this issue, the purpose of this paper is to identify how and when manufacturing functions such as engineers and operators are involved in a NPD project. Results from a conducted case study in heavy automotive component assembly show that manufacturing engineers have been more actively involved compared to manufacturing operators during the early phases of the studies NPD. It confirms earlier results that it is not easy to involve operators in the early phases of project due to abstraction and ambiguity associated with early design.
Flexibility of manufacturing systems, as a key factor of survival in the market, is regarded as the ability of handling changes in variants and volume governed by different capabilities depending on system level and manufacturing process. Research on flexibility has been of interest over years, resulting in a vast field of organizational, technical, and process-based enablers. The practical review in terms of needs, enablers and implementations of changeable production systems is however scarce. The objective of this paper is to present an initial review of industrial practice regarding flexibility in manufacturing systems, based on the current frame of reference and empirical study of two manufacturing companies in Sweden which helps industrial companies to identify their flexibility needs and the required enablers to achieve them.
The globalisation of manufacturing activities has led to the emergence of internationally dispersed manufacturing plants. Coordination of such networks is a complex task and entails several management challenges. The purpose of this paper is to increase the understanding regarding the coordination issues and how they could be managed in IMN environment. Using a multiple case study approach, data from three multiplant manufacturing businesses were collected and analysed. The results include discussions on coordination aspects such as autonomy and mechanisms to conduct coordination. Furthermore, a model for assigning autonomy level to the plant in an IMN is suggested as well as mechanisms to conduct the coordination work.
Human industrial robot collaboration (HIRC) aims to combine the benefits of industrial robots with humans in production environments. This is a growing research field where most work focuses on the safety aspects, while little research is performed on simulation and visualisation. The aim of this paper is to present a demonstrator software for simulation, visualisation and evaluation of human industrial robot collaboration.
Two simulation software products were combined to reach this goal. The new tool was then applied to two industrial assembly cases where productivity and biomechanical loads on humans were calculated. The resulting demonstrator software simulates and visualises human industrial robot collaboration. The quantitative output from the simulation makes it possible to compare HIRC, manual and robotic assembly stations in terms of productivity and ergonomics.
The manufacturing industries in the developed countries face challenges in terms of increased competition that puts demands on productivity, and a demographic change leading to an older population. One way of managing these challenges is through closer cooperation between human operators and robots. The robots can perform heavy, repetitive and hazardous tasks in a workstation, while the human operator does the more complex and flexible operations.
Most industrial human-robot interaction research focuses on the safety aspects, often performed and presented in the form of physical demonstrators, while little research is made on virtual simulations. Several simulation and visualisation tools for robot evaluation exist, as well as tools for digital human modelling. However, few tools can be found that virtually combines human and robot.
The aim of this paper is to contribute to narrowing that gap by presenting a method for virtual evaluation and optimisation of industrial human-robot cooperation. The new software demonstrator developed for this is based on the DHM tool IMMA. The presented method was implemented in a truck industry case comparing three assembly scenarios; fully manual, fully robotised or human-robot cooperation assembly. The method considers three dimensions which are compared and optimised for the human and robot; reach, operation time and biomechanical load.
The software demonstrator presents a virtual simulation of industrial human-robot cooperation. The result from this simulation can be used to find the optimal ergonomic manufacturing system based on biomechanical loads as well as finding the system with shortest operation time. The specific industrial case verifies the statement that a human-robot collaborative assembly system gives a less physically demanding workstation compared to a manual system, and thus is better adapted to an elderly workforce. This is achieved at the same time as the operation time decreases and productivity increases, which is necessary to meet the global competition. There are though safety issues to be solved and safety standards to be changed before these benefits can be applied in practise in industry. However, the software can be used to analyse different kind of human-robot interactions that are less cooperative and can be implemented within current regulations.
Humanindustrial robot collaboration (HIRC) aims to combine desired characteristics of humans and industrial robots the flexibility, intelligence and tactile sense of humans, and the strength, repeatability and accuracy of robots. A newly developed demonstration software enables simulation, design, verification, optimisation and visualisation of HIRC workstations. Two parameters, operation time and biomechanical load, are measured as quantitative outputs. These parameters favour fully automatic workstations since industrial robots move faster than humans without biomechanical restrictions. However, there exist limitations in the automation possibilities in workstation design. The aim of this paper is to define automation constraints and include them in the task allocation process of HIRC workstations. This will give a more accurate process in task allocation between humans and industrial robots in a HIRC workstation design problem. Three previously performed simulations of industrial HIRC cases from a heavy vehicle manufacturer are used as a basis in order to identify automation constraints in the task allocation process. Four criteria that limit automation possibilities are identified, human cooperation, dual operation, manual quality control and inaccurate positioning of objects. These constraints are included in the work method of task allocations in HIRC workstation design.
Virtual assembly and disassembly (VA&D) usage enables knowledge exchange between design department and assembly production and aftermarket in the product development (PD) process. Utilisation of VA&D tools must be connected to the PD process in robust methods to fully employ this potential. A case study was performed at a manufacturing company to identify virtual activities and their position in the PD process. Assembly production and aftermarket departments have common demands on the utilisation of the VA&D tools in the PD process. Milestones that demands VA&D simulations shall be included in both concept phase and development phase in the PD process.