Organizations are dependent on their leaders and their staff. In occupations which integrate with other people, communication and reception are of great importance and require certain qualities of the staff. Sometimes conflicts turn out, where people meet.This study amounts one qualitative part and one quantitative. The purpose of this study was to see leaders and co-workers and to learn about their experiences, their actions and also the consequences that may appear together with conflicts. An interview was performed with three directors and a questionnaire was made and answered by 59 co-workers. The results showed that conflicts can be taken as something both positive and negative. The leaders had different strategies how to handle the conflicts. Most of the staff felt they solved the conflicts in an appropriate way and also that they were comfortable with their occupation and their responsibilities. Leadership, individual personality qualities, work environment, communication and reception have all together effects on conflicts. The consequences of conflicts are affecting both health and progress to individuals as well as the organization as a whole.
Ledarens roll förutom att styra verksamhetens uppsatta mål och visioner är att se till att få medarbetarna med sig, utan dem fungerar inte verksamheten. Ledarens stil påverkar medarbetarnas välmående. Ett auktoritärt ledarskap har visat sig leda till större sjukfrånvaro både på kort- och lång sikt medan en demokratisk ledare oftare har medarbetare som mår bra, utvecklas och presterar bättre. Åtta intervjuer gjordes med ledare inom olika branscher inom näringslivet. Studiens syfte belyser ledarens tankar och agerande kring sin egen hälsa samt deras anställdas hälsa. Meningskoncentrering användes för att analysera hur ledarna ser på sin roll och hur de använder sig av hälsofrämjande insatser. Resultatet visar att om ledarna ser sig själva som förebilder och verkar för ett gott företagsklimat där förebyggande hälsoprogram ingår främjar det medarbetarnas välmående vilket i sin tur kan leda till att företaget får högre prestation och bättre resultat från sina medarbetare.
Human being is a social being which is dependent to other people, but the fact that we are different may sometimes cause conflicts. Do conflicts need to be negative? Can a conflict situation make new innovations? The intention of this study is to focus on conflicts that will generate motivation for creative changes. The study is looking for connections between changes, conflicts and innovations. The study addresses co-workers, business managers and students. It contains theories, a minor survey and interviews. It is important to be aware of the different feelings between people in a conflict. Understanding our feelings and understanding how we react as we do in a conflict situation, give us a greater opportunity to create , for instance, new innovations and changes.