Children in need of special support in preschool (INS) often exhibit delayed time processing ability (TPA) which can significantly impact their everyday functioning (EDF).This study evaluates whether the MyTime intervention could improve TPA and EDF in preschool children aged five to six-year INS.A registered randomized controlled trial (ISRCTN85136134) using a waiting-list control group investigated the effectiveness of MyTime, an occupational therapy intervention program given to preschool children INS in their classrooms for 8 weeks. Data collection included KaTid-Child (R) for the assessment of TPA, the Time-Parent scale, the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, and the Autonomy scale for assessing EDF. To evaluate between-group differences, data were analyzed using linear regression.The results show that both groups improved from baseline to post-intervention in TPA and everyday functioning but at the post-intervention, there were no between-group differences.To summarize, the MyTime intervention, indicated an increase in TPA and EDF but no between-group differences were found. Early cognitive levels of TPA in preschool children INS advocate for a longer intervention period. It is possible that long-term follow-up or additional measuring of the teacher's attitudes and the children's engagement in the preschool context could have yielded other results.
Background/aim Difficulties with management of time are frequently observed in children and youth with intellectual disabilities (IDs). The aim of this study was to evaluate a new intervention programme 'My Time' to improve time-processing ability (TPA) in children with IDs aged 10-17 years (n = 61). Methods Cluster randomised and waiting-list control group design was used. Data collection included the Kit for assessment of TPA, the Time-Parent scale and a self-rating of autonomy to assess occupational performance in daily life. The method was implemented over an 8-week period. Effect size (ES) was calculated and an analysis of covariance on the individual level and a two-stage process on the cluster level. Results The estimated mean improvement in the KaTid-Child score from baseline (t1) to t2 was significantly higher in the intervention group compared to the waiting-list group, ES Cohen's d = 0.64. Conclusion The results present first evidence of the effectiveness of a new occupational therapy intervention programme ('My Time') to facilitate TPA in children with mild to moderate IDs. Children with IDs aged 10-17 years could improve their TPA at a measurable pace when given intervention. The method could complement interventions using time-assistive devices. Children with IDs should be identified to guide intervention. Further research is necessary to establish whether using the intervention programme can facilitate the development of TPA in younger children.
Children in need of special support often display delays in time processing ability, affecting everyday functioning. MyTime is an intervention programme for systematic training of time processing ability. To support preschool children's development of time processing ability and everyday functioning, it is necessary to include their perspectives of the MyTime intervention programme. A previous study shows that MyTime is feasible with children in the preschool setting and shows positive effects on time processing ability for older children in special schools. Yet, there is a lack of knowledge regarding how preschool children experience the intervention programme and how they understand its meaning. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences and the meaning of using MyTime from the perspective of children with informal needs of special support (INS) 5–6 years of age in the preschool context.
To explore the children's perspectives, video-recorded interviews with 21 children were analysed hermeneutically. To facilitate the interview situation with the children in need of special support, the Talking Mats© was used. Both body and spoken languages were analysed.
The results reveal children as active participants, willing to share their experiences of using the MyTime intervention in the preschool context. The conceptualization of the children's experiences and expressions uncovers their meaning of using the MyTime intervention as to know and to understand time by doing.
When children are given the opportunity to use concrete tools to understand and measure time, they experience themselves as active participants involved and engaged in the intervention. They reveal meaningful experiences to be able to manage time that facilitate their everyday functioning and participation in the preschool context.