The paper present research results on how a spatial design can communicate and support
production performance in relation to lean production. The main concern of this paper is to
discuss the role of interior design and its affect on humans in a production system and to
contribute to a more profound understanding of lean production from a communicative aspect.
This paper is focusing on three case studies: a project studio, a prototype workshop, and a
development workshop in manufacturing companies. The study in the development workshop
is conducted during a period of two years, with an ambitious survey as follow up. The
two others are context cases to exemplify and investigate the role of interior design in an
industrial environment, with project studios as the main subject.
The research method chosen is case study methodology including a literature review related
to examples from the industrial case studies.
In industry, spatial design in interaction with visual artefacts can be used to reduce the 8th
waste by supporting effective communication, cross-functional work, decision-making processes,
reinforcing the project identity, facilitating project management, save time, shorten
led time for development projects and inspire employees to a positive view of the company
and the project.