Officer-involved shootings (OIS) sometimes occur as a result of provocative and suicidal behavior among offenders. This phenomenon, known as suicide by cop (SbC), has been shown to represent a significant part of OIS-cases in North American samples. This study aims to provide a descriptive picture of SbC in Sweden based on frequency and characteristics of situations and offenders. It also aims to describe how SbC can be experienced and handled by police officers. OIS-cases that occurred during 2005-2009 were investigated and ten officers were interviewed. Results showed that SbC accounted for 26 % of the OIS-cases. Interviewed officers often perceived perpetrators as both aggressive and suicidal and an uncertainty over who actually had control was considered a key issue. Officers also reported acute stress reactions and posttraumatic memories as a result of SbC. Increased knowledge about the psychology of SbC is considered as an important factor for dealing with SbC-situations.