This study explores the digital service development and innovative technology integration of Portfolio Försäkra, an insurance brokerage firm. During the initial discussions with the CEO, Andreas Adolfsson, it was noted that the company faced gaps in its digital service offerings and lacked the adoption of innovative technologies. The observed shortcomings are not unique to Portfolio Försäkra but potentially prevalent across the insurance sector, signifying a major impact on market competition.
In today's digital age, expertise in technology and innovative practices is crucial to the success of the insurance sector. Improved digital service innovation is essential for the customers to utilize information more efficiently, ultimately leading to increased customer loyalty and satisfaction. Therefore, the need for digital service improvement in the insurance sector is imperative.
The aim of this research is to delve deeper into the digital opportunities available to Portfolio Försäkra and other insurance companies that currently lack the necessary technological advancements. We adopt the role of researcher, conducting interviews and communicating with Portfolio Försäkra's employees. Our data analysis and interviews will help identify problematic areas that could hinder the company's development and customer satisfaction.
The findings suggest that the integration of innovation and digital technology must become an integral part of Portfolio Försäkra's company culture to ensure sustainable and long-term growth. The results of this study offer valuable insights for other organizations in the insurance sector seeking to enhance their digital service offerings and customer satisfaction.