The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of social workers intervention programs and how they approach perpetrators of intimate partner violence. The study is based on a qualitative methodology using semi-structured interviews to answer the studies aim. The data gathered through interviews were thematically analysed where the following themes emerged; perpetrators prerequisites for change, intervention programs development areas, mapping the treatment, networking and the perpetrators risk factors. The results were analyzed by scientific articles and theoretical frameworks: power, room for maneuver, mentalization and stigma. Our findings from the data indicate that perpetrators have a lack of insight and emotional management to violence where the social workers approach becomes essential for perpetrators progress. The interventions programs foundation is based on the perpetrators individual problem areas where the social worker adapts the treatment utilizing their own knowledge and expertise. Intervention treatment places a large emphasis on partner contact to motivate and support them during the perpetrators treatment. There is a cooperation with other authorities that needs further development to enable an increased exchange of knowledge and extended reach of perpetrators. The results also show that previous exposure in childhood is a predominant pattern to perpetrators alongside other problems.
The purpose of this study is to investigate group-oriented pedagogy and its effects, based on the subjective experiences of social students, i.e. to study the pedagogical and special educational significance of the group work. This has been done through a qualitative approach where the selection was turned towards a targeted group, and then semi-structured interviews were conducted. The result shows that group-oriented pedagogy was perceived positively, instructively and educating in large part among the respondents despite some conflicts and different views. Furthermore, characteristics such as acceptance, responsiveness, adaptation and openness are highlighted and emphasized as something that is bred or refined by working in groups. Other aspects that emerged from the results were prerequisites for a functional group work, where the respondents listed some criteria such as willingness to cooperate, group size and constellation as important conditions for a well- functioning group work. In summary, the study's content highlights that there are great opportunities for development within group work, but that it is also important to continuously develop and keep an eye on the group processes.
The purpose of this study was to investigate how young people perceive living in a social vulnerable area, how they perceive the media image as well as what constraints and opportunities the housing area implies for their future.
To answer our questions, we have used qualitative semistructured interviews with six adolescents in the social vulnerable Stockholm suburb Tensta. Theories that we have used in the processing of data collection are recognition theory and the stigma theory of Goffman.
The results of the interviews show that the adolescents enjoys living in the area despite the neglected media image of Tensta. Their own perception of the area differs from the perceived media image. At the same time, adolescents realized that their own future goals are not limited by the area in which they live, but governed by the individual's own will to succeed.
The purpose of the thesis is to investigate what the social services work process looks like when a child is in danger or is suspected to be in danger. The study consists of three questions and in order to provide answers to the purpose, a qualitative research method is used with the help of semi-structured interviews. The result is based on five social secretaries from five different municipalities in Central Sweden. When it comes to the social secretary's investigation process, the results of the study show that all county to witch the interviews belongs have the same goal but are based on different working methods. Some common challenges for the social secretaries are a heavy workload, low resources and the loss of the clients trust in social services. An additional result shows that the study demonstrates the secretary's description of the investigation process in relation to the theoretical starting point. The system theory is essential for the social worker to gather important information from the individuals and organisations in the child’s local environment. While the attachment theory shows the child’s attachment relationship to the caregivers. Empowerment is used in the investigation process by motivating clients to regain power over their situation.
This qualitative vignette study aims to examine how social workers within social services assess honor-related violence directed towards women, and whether the ethnic background of the victim affects the assessment. Additionally, the study aims to investigate the interventions offered by social services for victims living in an honor context and whether they differ from interventions for intimate partner violence. Data collection was conducted through six semi-structured interviews with social workers from different municipalities, based on a vignette. The results are analyzed using previous research and theoretical frameworks such as intersectionality and systems theory. The study's findings indicate that all participants identified honor in the case description, regardless of whether the woman had a Swedish-sounding name or a Middle Eastern-sounding name. The participants argue that ethnicity should not be decisive in the assessment, but it needs to be taken into account to evaluate the severity of honor practices. The interventions offered for victims in an honor context include sheltered accommodation and counseling support. It is also evident that the interventions for honor-related violence and oppression do not differ from interventions for intimate partner violence. Finally, all participants believe that more research and specialized interventions are needed for honor-related violence and oppression.
Boendestödjare inom socialpsykiatrin är en grupp inom vård- och omsorgssektorn som blir utsatta för hot och våld inom sitt dagliga arbete. Tanken med studien var att undersöka hur boendestödjarna själva ser på de hot och våld som en del av deras dagliga arbete. Mina frågeställningar var: vilka erfarenheter och upplevelser har boendestödjare av att åskåda eller personligen erfara våld och hot om våld i arbetet? Hur hanterar boendestödjare förekomsten och upplevelser av våld och hot om våld i arbetet? Jag har gjort en etnografisk studie för att vara på plats där detta inträffar för att samla empiri till min analys. Jag har gjort studien på två boenden inom socialpsykiatrin med sex deltagande observationer och fyra interjuver och sammanlagt 20 boendestödjare har deltagit i studien. För att tolka och analysera mitt resultat har jag valt att använda mig av symbolisk interaktionism och Hochschilds begrepp om känsloarbete samt Fines perspektiv på små grupper med fokus på normer. Studiens resultat lyfte fram ett huvudtema som var ”spänningar mellan individualiserat ansvar och arbetsmiljö” vilket handlar om hur de individuella bedömningarna som boendestödjarna gör påverkar deras arbetsmiljö. Resultatet innefattar även tre underteman: ”kollegornas betydelse” som belyser positiva och negativa aspekter av en boendestödjares kollegor, ”våldets vara” som belyser bland annat normaliseringen av hot och våldet som finns, samt ”förminskad i sin roll som boendestödjare” som belyser bland annat komplexiteten att göra en polisanmälning.
Med denna studie ville vi belysa hur före detta hemlösa upplevt de sociala myndigheternas insatser samt vilken hjälp de fick under deras tid som hemlösa. I studien medverkade åtta personer som tidigare varit hemlösa. Vi har tillämpat teorier från sociologer så som Erving Goffman (Stigma), Howard Becker (avvikarkarriären) samt Johan Cullberg (kris och utveckling). Detta för att kunna belysa empirin som framkom i studien. I studien har vi använt oss av sex artiklar från tidigare forskning som handlade om hemlöshet. Detta delades upp i fyra olika kategorier och utifrån dessa har vi tillämpat vår empiri. Denna studie utgår från en kvalitativ metod med en hermeneutisk forskningstradition.
Resultatet i studien visade att hälften utav respondenterna var nöjda med de insatser de fick från de sociala myndigheterna. Vi kunde även se att motivation till förändring inte endast var ett krav från de sociala myndigheterna utan genom motivation fick respondenterna de resurser de var i behov av. Andra hälften var inte nöjda med myndigheternas insatser då en del kraven var alldeles för många och svåra att uppnå. Samtliga respondenter betonade frivilliga organisationers betydelse som bidrog till att respondenterna kunde ta sig ur hemlösheten.
Sverige är ett land som aktivt arbetar mot rasism och diskriminering, detta genom åtgärder och upplysning i skola, arbetsplatser och andra samhällsområden. Trots det upplever Svenska invandrare fortfarande diskrimination inom flera olika förhållanden. För att komma åt orättvisor i samhället måste man först påvisa vart de förekommer och där vid sätta in resurser. Min undersökning granskar därför domslut i Stockholms tingsrätt med hänsyn till sociala omständigheter och tidigare kriminell belastning, för att se om personer med utländskt påbrå blir hårdare dömda. Vidare har jag diskuterat kring den risksituationen att domare och nämndemän påverkas av att invandrare är överrepresenterade inom vissa brottskategorier och därtill att media framställer invandraren negativt. En missvisande förförståelsen byggs i dessa sammanhang upp om invandraren vilket kan leda till diskriminerande domar.
Kategorisering och stereotypisering har varit mina huvudsakliga teorier för att förstå varför människan diskriminerar och varför det eventuellt förekommer diskrimination, även i en så välutbildad institution som rättsväsendet.
Min studie visar att det förekommer rättfärdigade skilda domslut mellan utländska och svenska personer. Om det beror på ett diskriminerande rättsväsende eller på en ärlig utsaga kan jag bara reflektera kring utifrån teorier, tidigare forskning och samhället i övrigt.
Slutsatsen blir tillsist att jag inte i min studie kan påvisa diskriminering, men att man ska utreda eventuellt dold diskriminering och även ett annat tillvägagångssätt för att utesluta diskriminering helt.
Inom det sociala arbetet jobbar yrkesutövare ständigt för att hjälpa samt stödja människor som är i behov av hjälp och stöd. Denna studie har sitt fokus på hur organisationen och arbetssituationen påverkar socialsekreterares arbete samt beslut. Studien har påvisat att dessa faktorer har en påverkan på socialsekreterares arbete samt beslut, vilket var de frågeställningar som vi sökte svar på. Socialsekreterare arbetar utifrån organisationens föreskrivna riktlinjer samt regelverk och dessa lagar samt regler begränsar socialsekreterares handlingsutrymme. Påverkan av arbetssituationen kan vara varierande periodvis då socialsekreterare kan uppleva en hög arbetsbelastning samt en hög personalomsättning som därmed kan bidra till en stressig arbetssituation. Denna studie är genomförd med hjälp av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer och deltagarna var fem verksamma myndighetsutövare. Vi har samlat in material och analyserat det genom teorierna, stressteorin samt gräsrotsbyråkratin och genom tidigare forskning. Studien påvisar att socialsekreterare upplever brister inom organisationen, då det framkom att arbetet präglas av en hög arbetsbelastning och att organisationen begränsar socialsekreterarnas arbete. Det framkom även att arbetsplatsen har en hög personalomsättning och stressig arbetssituation periodvis. Avslutningsvis diskuteras bristerna inom organisationen samt den svåra arbetssituationen som vidare kopplas till resultatet.
The purpose of this study is to shed light on black girls' experience of the majority society's treatment and its significance for their sense of belonging in Sweden. The study is based on a qualitative research method where semi-structured interviews have been conducted with eight black girls. The study is also based on a convenience and a snowball sample. There are three theoretical starting points, racialization, intersectionality and belonging, which have been applied in the analysis of the empirical material. The results of the study show variation in how black girls feel belonging to society in different ways. The majority of respondents do not feel a particularly greater sense of belonging to society, but rather feel a greater sense of belonging to other individuals who share the same conditions as those from outside, for example ethnic background. While others feel a greater sense of belonging to society. This is despite the fact that all respondents have received similar negative treatment from the majority society, which means that they do not feel accepted.
Keywords: black girls, belonging, racialization, majority society, intersectionality
Discretion gives social insurance officers a certain amount of self-determination in the assessment of work ability. A legally secure assessment of work ability and a sharp relation to rules and guidelines are expected. It thus becomes difficult to be self-determinate as rules and guidelines entail some restrictions in the discretion. The purpose of the present study is to examine how social insurance officers with responsibility for disability pension experience their discretion in relation to their main assignment; assessment of the insured’s work ability. To answer the study's purpose and questions, a qualitative method has been used where five semi-structured interviews were accomplished with social insurance officers, all of whom with responsibility for disability pension. The results show that the social insurance officers’ discretion is limited based on legislation, formal roles and the quality of the medical report. Furthermore, there is a minimal space for enabling through the assessment chain, but the limitations prove to have a superior role. Finally, the results show that the social insurance officers’ make the assessment of work ability in different ways. The results of the study have then been analyzed in a thematic analysis based on previous research and theoretical points of departure.
Forskning har påvisat orsaker till att en individ kan hamna i kriminalitet men inte vilka huvudorsakerna är, därför valde författarna att undersöka detta närmare. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa tidigare kriminellas perspektiv på vad som påverkat dem under deras ungdom vilket resulterat i ett kriminellt beteende. Författarna intervjuade 15 deltagare i syfte att analysera deras livsberättelser och vilka faktorer som lett dem in i kriminalitet. Intervjudeltagarna var 10 män och fem kvinnor mellan 20–50 år som suttit i fängelse minst tre år. Studien utgick narrativ analys med tematiska frågor. Samtliga förklarade att de blivit kriminella på grund av: (1) bristen på tillhörighet, (2) orättvis behandling i skolan, (3) familjeförhållanden, (4) kriminella i familjen och umgängeskretsen samt (5) bristen på sysselsättning och missbruk. Denna studie visar att det sällan finns en ensam nämnare till varför en individ hamnar i kriminalitet, utan att kriminalitet som fenomen är mycket komplext.
Syftet med denna undersökning är att fördjupa förståelse för invandrarkvinnors upplevelser av integrationen i Sverige. Undersökningen syftar på enbart invandrarkvinnor som kommer till Sverige genom äktenskapsmigration. Detta är en kvalitativ undersökning som har genomförts med hjälp av nio intervjuer med invandrarkvinnor som har gift sig med svenskfödda män och flyttat till Sverige. Vi har valt att använda Grundad teori och har kommit fram till olika faser som innefattar faktorer som kvinnorna upplever vara viktiga för integrationen. Genom att analysera de olika faserna kom vi fram till vår kärnkategori som är arbete. Resultatet visade att arbete är kärnan i integrationen och en viktig och avgörande faktor för en lyckad integration. Teoretiska paralleller dras till Antonovskys teori om Känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) för att klargöra upplevelsen av integrationsprocessen.
Den här uppsatsen behandlar ämnet olaglig fildelning på internet. Intervjuer med fem svenska fildelare ligger till grund för en kvalitativ analys av deras egna handlingar. Analysen kretsar kring fem grundläggande teman som syftar till att förmedla en bild av individernas egen bild av fildelning och moraliska dilemman som kan uppstå vid denna handling. Teorin som har används beskriver främst handlingsramarna och samhället som fildelarna kan tänkas befinna sig i. Kopplingar görs mellan individernas handlingar och den övergripande samhällsteorin för att påvisa om de stämmer överränns. Olaglig fildelning är ett utbrett fenomen i Sverige. De fem fildelare som ingick i analysen verkar både ha förståelse för att fildelning är ett så utbrett fenomen, samtidigt som de i stor utsträckning känner att det behövs en lag som reglerar fenomenet. Skivbolagen målas upp som de stora och rika bovarna i frågan.
Denna hermeneutiska studie undersöker hur husdjur, särskilt hundar och katter, påverkar fysiska, emotionella och sociala dimensioner av livskvaliteten för yngre vuxna kvinnor i det svenska samhället, med utgångspunkt i teoretiska perspektiv från symbolisk interaktionismen (Mead) och resonansteorin (Rosa). Genom att kombinera dessa ramverk har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts för att belysa husdjursägandets inverkan på fysisk aktivitet, emotionell stabilitet (såsom hantering av stress och ångest) samt social gemenskap.
Resultaten visar att husdjuren kontinuerligt erbjuder emotionellt stöd som främjar psykologisk motståndskraft, särskilt vid stress eller ångest. Samtidigt fungerar husdjur som katalysatorer för motion och sociala relationer. Ansvarstagandet, det emotionella bandet och vardagens struktur som husdjuren medför ger en komplex påverkan på ägarnas välbefinnande, där både positiva och utmanande aspekter samspelar och fördjupar förståelsen av husdjurets roll i kvinnornas liv som kräver reflektion och balans. Husdjuren stärker kvinnornas identitet och välbefinnande genom resonans och symbolisk interaktion, där de emotionella banden mellan ägare och husdjur bidrar till en känsla av samklang med omvärlden och förstärker individens identitet och välbefinnande. Husdjuren blir en del av ägarens existentiella sammanhang, vilket formar deras världsuppfattning och livskvalitet. Detta illustrerar hur en balans skapas mellan fysisk aktivitet och emotionell stabilitet samt social gemenskap samverkar med husdjuret, vilket bidrar till en balanserad livskvalitet i ett helhetligt stöd.
The purpose of the study was to examine how parents talk to their adolescents about violence from the perspective of exposed, exposer and gender. In total, five semi-structured interviews were conducted with parents of children with different sexes, aged between 13-19. The empirical material was analysed through thematic analysis and the themes that emerged were differences in conversations based on gender and how parents' understanding of violence affects conversations.
The results show that parents tend to talk with their adolescents if something happens, that is, after a problem has arisen and then on the basis of risks of being subjected to violence or based on their own concerns. Mothers talk about the risk of violence with their children based on their own perceived anxiety about vulnerability, while fathers have easier to see their teenagers from a vulnerable perspective. Differences in how parents talk to their children based on the child's gender can be seen where parents describe that sons talk significantly less than daughters and parents find it more “difficult” to talk to the sons.
Sexual exploitation of children online is a phenomenon that has significantly increased in occurrence apace with the amplified use of the internet in today's society. Current research indicates an incline of about 100 more cases in 2020, compared to the year prior. Sexual exploitation in itself is not a new phenomenon, however the technology assisted exploitation can be considered a new form that needs more research. With a new problem follows the creation of a new type of perpetrator that operates anonymously and often unregulated. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate how well-equipped different social work practitioners are to face this new phenomenon as well as to identify shortcomings that may exist. This study includes six semi-structured interviews with both social workers with a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Social Work and individuals within independent organizations targeting this phenomenon. The interview results were consequently divided into four different identified themes: Professionals' treatment of subjected children, Are professionals well-equipped to face children subjected to sexual exploitation online?, Children in risk zones, and Different types of sexual exploitation. The themes were subsequently analyzed, mainly on the basis of system- and the foot-in-the-door theory, previous research and Childrens-Needs-In-Center perspective (BBIC).
Objectives: The present study, one of the first to look at COVID-19 and coping in Iran, aimed at mapping, describing and understanding the coping methods academics employ as protective resources to deal with the psychological challenges and social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. We specifically aimed at identifying the meaning-making coping methods used and understanding the influence of culture. The guiding research question has been: Are there differences in meaning-making coping methods by gender, age group, work/student status, and place of residence?Design: The study, which used convenience sampling, was a quantitative inquiry. It employed a modified version of the RCOPE scale among faculty/staff members and students in Iran (n = 196, 75% women).Results: The most frequently used coping method among all subgroups of the study sample was thinking that life is part of a greater whole, followed by praying to Allah/God. The least used coping methods were the negative religious ones. Gender differences were found for being alone and contemplating, stronger for men. Thinking that life is part of a greater whole was found mainly among on-campus students. Praying to Allah/God was most common among the youngest staff and students, as well as among women. Two segments of respondents were discovered-the Theists and Non-theists-where the former used more religious coping methods, were more likely to be women, older staff and students, on-campus students, married, have children, and lived in capital.Conclusions: Our conclusion is that the RCOPE methods, which include religious and spiritual meaning-making methods, are of great importance to the studied Iranian informants. However, they use some secular existential meaning-making coping strategies too. This is explained by the role of religion in the larger orientation system and frame of reference in parallel with a secular worldview. Further, a sharp distinction between religious and secular worldviews was not found, which is explained by the fact that secular norms are hardly internalized in ways of thinking in Iran.
Människors relationer har förändrats med tiden. Idag kommunicerar människor och kan sökaefter den rätta på dejtingsidor. I denna uppsats genomförs en socialpsykologisk studie somundersöker kvinnors upplevelse av nätdejting, med hjälp av en grundad teoretisk metodansats.Studiens syfte är att skapa en förståelse kring studieområdet. Studien består av sex intervjuermed kvinnliga deltagare. Intervjuerna genomfördes för att uppnå förståelse och få enövergripande bild kring kvinnors upplevelse av nätdejting. Resultatet visar på att insats ochnärvarande är den centrala faktorn gällande kvinnors upplevelse av nätdejting. Giddens teoriom rena relationer och Goffmans dramaturgiska teori har använts för att förstå studiensresultat. Tanken med denna studie var att utföra en kvalitativ studie med fokus på kvinnorsupplevelse av nätdejting. Genom användningen av grundad teori så har nya infallsvinklarerhållits inom området. Inom denna specifika forskningsgren finns det inte någon störremängd relaterat arbete utförd i Sverige, studien har därför kunnat bidra med kunskap inomområdet.
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka kvinnlig säkerhetspersonals upplevelser av att arbeta på en mansdominerad arbetsplats och det har sin grund i ett intresse för jämställdhet och genus. Intresseområdet kvinnlig säkerhetspersonal är relevant med anledning att det är en mansdominerad bransch som expanderar och som rekryterar allt fler kvinnor. Studien bidrar till forskningen om genus genom att presentera ett resultat utifrån upplevelsen av att vara kvinna och arbeta inom säkerhetsbranschen samt de skilda förväntningar som finns på dem. Forskningsansatsen som har tillämpats i studien är Grundad Teori. Datainsamlingen har skett utifrån ett teoretiskt urval och det inkluderade sex individuella intervjuer, en parintervju samt en granskning av sex podcastavsnitt och fyra avsnitt av TV-serien Tunnelbanan. Studien har genererat en Grundad Teori som visar att huvudangelägenheten för kvinnlig säkerhetspersonal är att det finns icke-normativa förväntningar på dem. Huvudangelägenheten hanteras genom kärnkategorin som är att kvinnlig säkerhetspersonal förväntas ha ett pedagogiskt förhållningssätt. Den grundade teorin som studien presenterar utgörs av sex övriga kategorier som förhåller sig till och förklarar kärnkategorin. Dessa kategorier är trygghetsingivande, fysisk kapabilitet, underordnad, normer för arbetsplacering, säkerhetspersonalens kön påverkar interaktionen och (o)jämlikhetens historik. Resultatet analyseras utifrån Hirdmans teori om genussystemet, Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv samt Hochschilds teori om emotionellt arbete.
Youth crime is something that has tended to become increasingly common in today's society, not least in Eskilstuna municipality, where the crimes have become increasingly serious. In order to be able to work in crime prevention, interprofessional cooperation is something that has become a matter of course where several actors have a joint responsibility. The purpose of this study is to create a deeper understanding of the local crime prevention work against youth crime in Eskilstuna municipality between social services, school and police. This is done by describing and analyzing cross-professional cooperation within the framework of the municipality's newly started initiative Safe young people with a focus on the initiative's organization and how the actors work in crime prevention. In order to answer the study's purpose and questions, a qualitative method has been used where six semi-structured interviews were conducted with various representatives from the municipality, social services, school and police. The results of the study show that there are both successes and challenges with cross-professional collaboration, the results also show how important it is to have joint governance, structure and consensus in a collaboration process. The study's results have then been analyzed in a thematic analysis based on previous research and theoretical starting points that are woven together in a final discussion.
Keywords: crime prevention, young people, exclusion, interprofessional collaboration, youth crime, network, community, social work
Syftet med studien var att beskriva och analysera kvinnors självupplevda erfarenheter av prostitution. Studien önskade besvara frågeställningen: vilka förväntningar, händelser, upplevelser och känslor som format dessa kvinnors resa i steget in, genom och ur prostitution? Studien som var av en kvalitativ ansats har baserats på sex ostrukturerade livsberättelser av kvinnor med erfarenhet av prostitution. Fokus vid intervjuerna har varit kvinnornas egna beskrivningar, upplevelser och känslor av resan in, under och ur prostitution. Studien har haft ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv som utgångspunkt och dess teoretiska ramverk har bestått av Scheffs begrepp om skam, Goffmans teori om stigma samt Fuchs Ebaugh’s teori “the process of role exit”. Studiens resultat visade på att flera samverkande händelser och upplevelser i kvinnornas liv påverkade deras känslor och förväntningar på sig själva, vilket var framträdande inslag i kvinnornas livsberättelser om deras process, in- genom och ut ur prostitution. Kvinnornas upplevelser och känslor kring prostitutionen framkom vara komplexa. För att kunna bemöta och stödja kvinnor med prostitutionserfarenhet krävs av socialarbetare en förmåga att lyssna utan att döma och kunskap om prostitutionsprocessen. Detta för att inte ytterligare skambelägga och stigmatisera kvinnor med prostitutionserfarenhet.
The ambition of this study is to examine the support that former convicts receive from authorities and civil society as well as the obstacles they face during their reintegration process. Reintegration implies that the individual returns to society after a served sentence. The offered support and the obstacles that former convicts face is analyzed by these following parts: The support that’s offered by both authorities and civil society, the significant factors and the barriers as well as the crime records impact on the reintegration process. This study has conducted five semistructured interviews with Kriminalvården, Krami, Kris and Resursenheten ungdom and familj which forms the basis of this study. This study’s result highlighted the importance of creating a valuable relationship with the former convict rather than focusing on the range of the interventions. The results chapter incorporates previous research, system theory and stigma. This is due to the fact that the previous research emphasizes the importance of a prosocial environment as those who had a poorer social circle were more likely to recidivist.
The conclusion emphasizes the importance of a valuable relationship and encounter with the former convict as well as the obstacles with reintegration due to the criminal record. A conclusion is that the quantity of the available support is not a factor to a successful reentry, rather, it is about an interaction and a valuable relationship between the individual and theprofessional.
Keywords: Reintegration, interaction, criminal records, support, stigma, system theory.
The purpose of this study review was to examine risk for vulnerability of children and youth with disabilities and in which kind of environments. Three themes were discovered during the study and these were body functioning, activity and participation and surrounding factors. Earlier studies showed the different kinds of risks that children with disabilities could be vulnerable for and in what extent. The risks varied from physical, psychological and sexual abuse to bullying and less participation in various school- and out-of-school activities. The study was a systematic review which means to search, examine and compile existing literature of the topic at hand. The results showed that children with disabilities are at increased risk for different types of vulnerability in comparison to children without disabilities. It also showed that children with disabilities participate less in activities at school and out of school than children without disabilities and that home- and school environments did propose a risk for vulnerability. Girls with disabilities were overrepresented in the risk category of sexual abuse. Conclusions that could be drawn from this review were that socioeconomic factors had a relation with children with disabilities being or not being vulnerable.
I vår studie har vi valt att undersöka om manliga missbrukare, som genomför en behandling på en institution i Mellansverige, anser att de blir stämplade och vilka de anser att det är som utför den. Om det är nära och kära, myndigheter och/eller dem själva. Vi vill belysa vilka känslor och tankar de intervjuade personerna har kring ämnet stämpling. Vi har sett på faktorer som, hur de skulle definiera begreppet missbrukare och hur de är i relation till det begreppet. Vi har även undersökt om de har eller har haft några strategier för att undanhålla och/eller mörka sitt missbruk.
Vi valde att göra tematiskt strukturerade intervjuer där vi utgick från teman. Utifrån dessa utförde vi sedan en hermeneutisk tolkning och analys av de empiriska data vi fick fram.
Resultaten visar på att alla respondenter känner sig stämplade på ett eller flera sätt. Alla ser sig själva som missbrukare, vilket innebär att alla stämplar sig själva. Vad det gäller stämpling från nära och kära är det endast hälften av respondenterna som anser sig vara stämplade därifrån och att denna stämpling är den mest känslomässigt jobbiga. Majoriteten anser sig även bli stämplade av myndigheter, men denna stämpling upplevs inte lika känslomässigt jobbig. Alla respondenter uppger sig använda olika strategier för att undanhålla och mörka sitt missbruk för omgivningen. Strategierna kan även användas för att berättiga missbruket för dem själva, vilket är en typ av självstämpling. De flesta av de resultat vi kommit fram till utifrån tolkningarna av de empiriska data vi fått fram, stämmer överrens med vår förförståelse vi hade innan denna undersökning inleddes.
Hur tillgängliga Västerås Stads jobbannonser är för arbetssökanden har i denna studie studerats. Intresseområdet har på så vis varit jobbannonsers tillgänglighet, ett område som undersökts med metodansatsen grundad teori. Syftet har legat i att undersöka intresseområdet sociologiskt utifrån dimensionerna kön, ålder, funktionsnedsättning och etnisk bakgrund. Med hjälp av metodansatsen har en huvudangelägenhet för intresseområdet vuxit fram. Denna belyser att krav leder till den mest lämpade kandidaten får tjänsten. Studiens grundade teori bygger därmed på det funna centrala problemet, samt en beskrivning gällande dess följder för den arbetssökande. Detta identifieras genom kärnkategorin Västerås Stads krav exkluderar samt dess underkategorier, vilka är kompetensanpassad rekrytering, personlig mognad, självgående som samverkar gärna, miste av den lojala personen och jobbannonsens uppbyggnad. Slutligen appliceras den grundade teorin i ett teoretiskt ramverk i förhållande till Lukes maktdimensioner, detta för att ge studien en större bredd och förståelse gällande den data som studien baseras på.
Nyckelord: Arbetssökanden, Exkludering, Grundad teori, Jobbannonser, Tillgänglighet, Västerås Stad.
Syfte med studien är att undersöka socionomstudenters attityd till den svenska välfärdsstaten och om attityden hos socionomstudenterna gentemot välfärdsstaten skiljer sig beroende på uppväxtförhållande. Vidare ämnar jag undersöka socionomstudenters kunskaper och inställning till politik och arbetsgivare. Examensarbetet har genomförts med en kvantitativ metod där socionomstudenterna fick svara på en webbenkät. Totalt besvarade 131 personer enkäten. Det insamlade datamaterialet har i IBS SPSS Statistics, version 24 främst behandlats deskriptivt för att beskriva socionomstudenternas uppväxtförhållanden, attityder, kunskap, politiska engagemang och partisympatier. Resultaten visade att de svarande socionomstudenterna på den undersökta högskolan är ganska nöjda med den välfärdsstat vi har idag, de vill ha ett högt åtagande av utförandet av välfärden genom stat och lokala myndigheter. En oroväckande hög siffra uppdagades i resultatet i frågan om studenten skulle kunna tänka sig att sjukriva sig för att få en ledig dag. Och förvånansvärt många skulle förbise chefen för att driva fram en förändring på arbetsplatsen.
The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding how social workers at social ser- vices and sheltered housing work with cases involving honor-related violence and oppression (crimes of honour). The following questions are clarified; What dilemmas do social workers describe at social services and in sheltered housing in the work to support women? How can the work on honor-related violence and oppression be understood in relation to a critical practice? The study is based on qualitative interviews with a total of six social workers active in social services and at sheltered housing with women exposed to honour-related violence and oppression. The study's results showed that honour-related violence and oppression are a com- plex area of work, where it can be seen as a challenge for the social services and sheltered ho- mes to assess where a woman can settle in order to be safe. However, the work risks creating stereotypical ideas that can lead to minority groups being stigmatized. All respondents emphasized that the decision to leave the family for a woman exposed to honour violence is a difficult decision, which can lead a woman to return to her old life. When a woman has left her family, it can lead to a feeling of isolation and loneliness. All respondents emphasized that a big part of the work consists of strengthening the woman's own resources and working towards an independent life. Against the background of the previous research that emphasizes the im- portance of collaboration between authorities, there was also an agreement among all respon- dents that a collaboration between different performers is necessary in order to be able to pro- vide protection for the woman in the acute phase, but also in the longer term be able to maintain the woman's protection.
The purpose of this study was to gain increased knowledge and understanding of upper secondary school students' experiences and views on mental illness and whether gender norms affect their ability to seek help. To achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative research method has been used and six semi-structured interviews with upper secondary school students in Sweden were held. The interviews have been presented, interpreted, and analyzed in relation to previous research and with the help of gender theory and the salutogenic theory. The results of the study have shown that the interviewees viewed mental illness as something negative, which can lead to negative consequences. Contributing factors to mental illness were associated with, for example poor mentality, impaired well-being, and school stress. The interviewees felt that gender roles and norms affect their way of dealing with mental illness. The results have also shown that interviewees experienced that gender roles and norms affect their way of speaking and dealing with mental illness.
This paper investigates how policy and values interrelate concerning expectations of childcare based on 80 interviews with 40 families with young children from France and Sweden, respectively. Upbringing, learning and socialization are important expectations among French parents. The results presented here are in line with educational goals that may have been influenced by policy. The findings suggest that France may, in terms of expectations on childcare, still belong to the conservative cluster as categorized by Esping-Andersen (1990), although family policy may differ from that of, for example, Germany and Italy in the same cluster. Swedish parents stress the importance of the individual child as well as pedagogy, thus, indicating compatibility between a parental wish for the individual development of the child and an emphasis on collective care in Swedish family policy.
This article investigates how social policy and norms affect experiences of the reconciliation of work and family life, using interviews with 40 families with young children from France and Sweden respectively. The major findings indicate that Swedish parents more often experience role conflicts and stress than French parents, thus giving stronger support for the role stress theory among Swedes. Swedes refer to a lack of own time whereas particularly French women express dissatisfaction with domestic division of labour with their partner. French parents favour individual childcare at home or care at the workplace more than Swedes, who emphasise public collective childcare.
Why fathers did or did not take parental leave and their leave practices were studied in two countries with very different policies and cultural contexts, namely France and Sweden. The couples' income contributions and negotiations were assessed. Data were drawn from interviews completed in 1998 and 1999 with 20 French and 35 Swedish heterosexual couples who had at least one child below school-age living in the same household. The economic situation of the couple was an important reason in both nations as to why mothers used most or all of the leave. Evidence of negotiations about taking leave was expressed by Swedish fathers but not by French fathers. Swedish fathers expressed a child oriented masculinity, which is interpreted as representing modest change in hegemonic masculinity. In France, fathers' taking parental leave was not considered an alternative among parents. This practice and their rhetoric suggest no change in hegemonic masculinity.
Recently, there has been a developing interest concerning children’s voices in for example decision-making and planning within different educational contexts, such as the preschool. Although children’s rights are emphasized, it is not clear how these rights are expressed in children’s everyday life. Further, children from a minority ethnic group risk marginalization in relation to other children as well as to significant adults and the society as a whole. The aim of this study was to analyze children’s perceptions of empowerment in a preschool context in a gender and ethnicity perspective. Data, collected in 2010, comprised of 25 children at 4 different preschools (aged 4-6, 13 girls, 7 children with other ethnicity than Swedish). Two different methods were used: (1) a group interview with 5-8 children at a time, using a puppet interview technique, playing different scenarios involving the children as co-actors, and (2) a photo walk where children took photos of their indoor and outdoor environment. The photos were used as stimulated recall in individual interviews with the children to let them express their empowerment in the everyday life at preschool. Children’s perceptions were in part related to environmental prerequisites such as the social and physical context of the preschool as well as more distal factors such as resources and values on the macro level. Therefore, to highlight the preschool as an influential micro environment in children’s exercising of empowerment, the interview analysis was based on an ecological systems perspective.The intersectional perspective was used to emphasize possible differences in the children’s perceptions of empowerment due to gender and ethnicity. The results indicate that children perceive the preschool teacher as an uncontested authority. In the preschool environment with least resources and most ethnic diversity among the children, there seem to be a tendency that children perceive the teachers as even stronger authorities, than in the more affluent preschool environments. The peer relations are, however, more complex and questioned by the children. If children have internalized parts of the social context, like rules, seem to vary due to their own experience of consequences of such rules. A salient prerequisite for empowerment is to increase children’s opportunities to understand and be understood. Therefore, preschool teachers need to elaborate on children’s experiences.
Sweden is well known for its family policy and this study explores whether fathers’ parental leave is related to later division of childcare and housework. Two materials were used; a panel survey (2003, 2009) and an interview study (2008). Respondents in the survey had their first child between the waves and the interview-study focused on parents of 2–3 year olds. The survey is analyzed by logistic regression and the interviews by grounded theory. The results indicate that when fathers took long leave parents shared both household tasks and childcare more equally after the leave. Higher expectations of sharing childcare is related to a higher share of divided childcare once becoming parents, although it seems that some tasks are more often shared than others. When the father took long leave both parents mention that the child relates to the father as much as the mother in everyday life.
This paper investigated Swedish and US fathers’ experiences of work-family conflict, possible solutions, and actual changes to their work situation in relation to becoming a parent. The Swedish data were drawn from interviews completed in 2008 with 16 fathers with a child born in 2005 or 2006. The US data came from interviews conducted between 2005 and 2007 with 26 fathers with at least one child age five or younger. The semi-structured interviews were analyzed according to grounded theory. In terms of conflicts, half of the Swedish fathers mention time pressures or stress, with some referring to work-life balance as a puzzle. Findings indicate that the US fathers think that they work too much overtime as well as shift hours, and they also mention arguments with their partner about responsibility at home. At the same time, a majority of both US and Swedish fathers emphasize family as a priority over work. In terms of possible solutions, a common theme among Swedish fathers is to mention that ideal work hours would be less than their current hours, with some wishing for a shorter work week (e.g., 4 days) and others a shorter work day (e.g., 6 hours). US fathers most commonly wish for a more flexible work-life situation. In terms of actual changes, several fathers adjust their work lives in response to their family life. Among Swedish fathers, the most common changes involve working fewer hours, adjusting their start and end times, and taking advantage of flexible hours. Swedish fathers also emphasize trading off with their partners, including ‘shift parenting.’ As for US fathers, some have changed their job to be more at home, some changed from working three shifts and some fathers solved the situation by intense work during a limited time.
This chapter investigated Swedish and US fathers’ experiences of work-family conflict, possible solutions, and actual changes to their work situation in relation to becoming a parent. The Swedish data were drawn from interviews completed in 2008 with 16 fathers with a child born in 2005 or 2006. The US data came from interviews conducted between 2005 and 2007 with 26 fathers with at least one child age five or younger. The Swedish semi-structured interviews were analyzed according to grounded theory. In terms of conflicts, half of the Swedish fathers mention time pressures or stress, with some referring to work-life balance as a puzzle. Findings indicate that the US fathers think that they work too much overtime as well as shift hours, and they also mention arguments with their partner about responsibility at home. At the same time, a majority of both US and Swedish fathers emphasize family as a priority over work. In terms of possible solutions, a common theme among Swedish fathers is to mention that ideal work hours would be less than their current hours, with some wishing for a shorter work week (e.g., 4 days) and others a shorter work day (e.g., 6 hours). US fathers most commonly wish for a more flexible work-life situation. In terms of actual changes, several fathers adjust their work lives in response to their family life. Among Swedish fathers, the most common changes involve working fewer hours, adjusting their start and end times, and taking advantage of flexible hours. Swedish fathers also emphasize trading off with their partners, including ‘shift parenting.’ As for US fathers, some have changed their job to be more at home, some changed from working three shifts and some fathers solved the situation by intense work during a limited time.
Increasing mental ill-health among youth and young people sent back and forth between different welfare state actors have been subjects of concern in Sweden in recent years. These young people are often labelled as having ‘complex needs’, with a placement as the social services’ possible intervention. What do young people stress as positive as well as negative experiences with placements? How can the concept ‘complex needs’ be understood in relation to placements? Semi-structured interviews were made in 2018, in two municipalities, with 9 young people between 15-22 years. They have received support from social services and psychiatric care, often related to substance abuse. The young people’s history is often a long-term process of different forms of placements, both in families as well as in residential care. Too short-term interventions may lead to discontinuity in care. Residential care is often perceived of as more storage than treatment and care. Implications are that the young person’s placement need to be more carefully monitored. Treatment introduced at the placement need to be better coordinated and evaluated jointly by social services and psychiatric care. It is important that professionals have more interventions to suggest and are working proactively to avoid future placements.
The aim of this integrative review is to investigate research of social work practices for adolescents and young adults with complex needs. The research questions are: What are the major themes in studies of practices for young people with complex needs? How do studies suggest that complex needs can be met in ways that are beneficial for young people? A young person with complex needs is in this review defined as an adolescent or young adult who, due to mental ill-health in combination with different types of social vulnerabilities, is receiving assistance from multiple welfare services. Searches were conducted in seven databases. These searches resulted in a sample of 1677 records, published 2007-2016, which in the screening process were reduced to 24 publications, all peer-reviewed articles. The participants in the studies in the articles consisted of young people, parents and professionals from mainly Anglo-Saxon countries. The articles were analyzed with qualitative summative content analysis. Three empirically generated themes were found in studies of work practices targeting young people with complex needs: collaboration-, relationship- and empowerment-oriented practices. In conclusion, the practices contain a wide variety of features, but with the joint aim of acknowledging young people's needs. The results can be used by practitioners and policymakers to further the development of services for youth with mental ill-health and social vulnerabilities, who use multiple welfare services.
The objective of this paper is to further the understanding of young people's experiences of out-of-home care (OHC). The focus will be on the tension between negative and positive experiences of OHC, refracted through the concept of liminality. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with 10 young people aged 15–22 (7 women, 3 men) with long-term contact with social services and psychiatric care. OHC can be experienced as a liminal space in both a negative and a positive sense. It is negative when perceived as containment rather than meaningful treatment. It can also be a negative experience when connected to fear, a lack of influence, and uncertainty in terms of being in between the social services and psychiatric care. It is positive when it is perceived as a turning point that enables positive change. It is then connected to feelings of meaningfulness, being respected, hope, and empowerment. The young people participating in the study also connect their experiences of OHC to a context of greater austerity in the welfare state. They reflect upon the benfits of OHC in terms of costs for society, but also the costs for the young person if the OHC is not perceived as meaningful support leading towards positive change. The participants have complex, interrelated needs and problems, and they also experience institutional gaps between psychiatric care and social services. It is important to overcome these gaps, so that young people are not located in ‘in-between spaces’ in terms of service provision.
The paper uses the concept of recognition to investigate how young people labelled as having ‘complex needs’ experience their encounters with welfare state actors. Semi-structured interviews were held in 2018 with 14 young people, aged 15–22 years, in two Swedish municipalities. The participants have received multiple, long-term interventions from social services and psychiatric care. Research questions are: What aspects in the encounters between welfare state actors and young people may contribute to complexity in their life situations? How can Honneth’s concept of recognition illuminate this complexity? Aspects that have contributed to complexity in young people’s life situations are related to acts of dismissal. These dismissals by welfare state actors are interpreted as forms of disrespect as regards affection, rights or solidarity. Barriers to recognition are also related to the participants’ young age and position as children, and what this implies in a particular society. Our findings show that the difficulties young people face in their encounters with welfare state actors are partly due to the high level of specialization which contributes to an increased organizational complexity. Implications include that, when encountering young people in complex life situations, welfare state actors need to consider the importance of recognition as regards affection, rights, and solidarity. Recognition is central to achieving a positive outcome in working with young people in complex life situations and is expressed in social interactions. Therefore, building relationships needs to be more highly prioritized in welfare state organizations. young people in complex life situations and is expressed in social interactions. Therefore, building relationships needs to be more highly prioritized in welfare state organizations.
This paper presents findings from a Swedish interview study from 2016-2017 with 20 professionals working with young people, who suffer from a combination of mental ill-health and social vulnerability. They have been recipients of long-term support from multiple welfare service actors with the aim of promoting the young people’s wellbeing. The aim of the study is to investigate professionals’ experiences of work practices aiming at increased wellbeing for this group of young people. Mental ill-health among young people has increased in the past decades in Sweden as well as in many other western countries. Mental ill-health has also been connected with social vulnerability such as difficulties in completing education, unemployment, out-of-home care or substance abuse. This group of young people are sometimes referred to as youth with complex needs. Complex needs is a concept used to categorize people that have multiple interconnected needs that span medical and social issues, people that are considered as especially disadvantaged, or presenting challenges to welfare services. Categorizations of people and needs are prerequisites for legal, bureaucratic and professional systems within the welfare state. Welfare organizations construct knowledge and strategies regarding specific target groups according to these categorizations. In the paper we argue that the expression complex needs, when used as a way to categorize young people, not necessarily take into consideration that the problem instead may be the complex organizations that young people meet. These organizations may not always succeed in catering for the needs of young people.
This paper concerns preconditions for the well-being of young people with mental ill-health combined with social vulnerabilities, also referred to as youth with complex needs. Research questions are: What barriers to sustainable work practices for young people labelled as having complex needs do professionals encounter? What do professionals identify as possible ways to overcome these barriers? Sustainable work practices are reflected in three themes: empowerment, relationships and collaboration. The findings are based on semi-structured interviews with 24 professionals, 3 men and 21 women, working in psychiatric care and the social services in two Swedish municipalities in 2016 and 2017. Major barriers are lack of continuity and co-ordination in staff and support, and fragmentation of work practices. As a consequence of the increased specialization of human service organizations, young people have to interact with many different professionals which could cause disparate interventions. Possible ways mentioned to overcome these barriers are supported through good interactional skills, using keyworkers as well therapeutic alliances, wrap-around services and case management. Complexity is linked to organizations and work practices rather than to young people. An often dysfunctional service delivery system in organizations with rigid boundaries may also affect professionals’ aim for sustainable support.