In 1997, the Swedish parliament adopted a decision on Vision Zero (nollvision) in the road
and transport system. Vision Zero means that no one should be killed or seriously injured in
traffic accidents in the road transport system (Prop. 2003/04: 160). For the Transport
Administration in Sweden (Trafikverket), this means increased demands on security and
signage at road work sites around the country. This in turn means increased demands on the
contractors that carry out road work for the Transport Administration. The Transport
Administration wants a better understanding how entrepreneurs in various operational areas in
the Eastern Region perceive their role as responsible for safety and accessibility on roadwork
sites and to better understand the problems that can occur when signage is inadequate. In this
report, governing documents for the operating entrepreneurs have been studied, in addition,
searches of literature in various transport databases have been made. Interviews have been
made with the operating entrepreneurs who have had the opportunity to highlight their views
on roadwork. The results of the study are a compilation of things the contractors put emphasis
on. Among other things, several of them want to separate service equipment
(trafikanordningar) from the procurement because it is possible to win offers with a lower bid
amount, depending on how signage is made and safety is ensured. Many contractors also call
for more clarification from the Transport Administration, and say that it is often unclear what
the relevant directives are. Hopefully, this report will help increase the Transport
Administration’s understanding of the roadwork performed by contractors and help them
towards Vision Zero.
vägarbete, trafikanordning, utmärkning, nollvision, trafikanordningsplan, konkurrenssättning,
skyltning, framkomlighet