The team has become the basic organisational unit of development and innovation work and an understanding of creativity at the collective level is crucial for long-term sustainability. This article takes a process perspective and understands group creativity as emerging from the interaction among group members. It is about the possibility to enable the emergence of selforganisation, thereby increasing group creativity. This paper presents an experiment where four out of eight randomly formed groups of students were given a work order structured according to the group process model “GroPro”. In groups using the GroPro ideas were significantly more often promoted, observed and used by other group members, and used in the final solution. Further, the two best solutions and the more creative solutions of the task were found among the GroPro groups. A work process structured according to the GroPro model seems to increase self-organisation as well as the creativity of the group. Further, the group process is shown to be more important for group creativity than the individual creativity of the group members. Our results encourage more focus on the group process by both academia and practitioners.