In this book eonomics is redefined as "multidimensional management of resources in a democratic society. Impacts in nonmonetary dimensions are estimated separately from monetary impacts and "monetary reductionism" is avoided. Democracy stands for the fact that many ideological orientations (rather than one) are represented in society and that analysis has to respect such differences in ideological orientation. Individuals and organizations are understood respectively as political economic persons and political economic organizations.
Alternatives to the neoclassical conceptual framework and analysis are systematically presented. Political Economic Person replaces neoclassical Economic Man assumptions and Political Economic Organization the assumptions of a profit maximizing firm. Similarly, Positional Analysis is presented as an alternative to neoclassical Cost-Benefit Analysi (CBA). In this way a political approach to economics is presented as part of a pluralist view where different theoretical perspectives (neoclassical theory included) may coexist and compete.
Detta handlar alltså om en e-book som kan hämtas hem från World Economics Association Det kostar $20. Eventuellt kommer boken senare att publiceras som paper back