Higher education, especially in business, could potentially benefit from implementing Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) in the classroom. However, implementing ERP systems in teaching has turned out to be a challenge to some universities. The research question is: Which major Critical Success Factors (CSF) for implementing ERP in business match major success factors stemming from a case study about implementing ERP in the curriculum of university courses? Ten top CSFs from the business context are selected as the major part of the theoretical framework (Finney and Corbett, 2007). A case study method regarding a major vendor of ERP and its university network is applied with some elements of action research. The researcher has been given the opportunity to access online information as well as participate in meetings, online and face to face, and conferences since 2007. Multiple sources of evidence are used, including observations, meeting notes and downloaded documents from public as well as partner websites. The sample is based on the opportunity to get access to the software corporation, innovative professors and business partners, primarily in Western Europe and the USA. Data has been coded and analysed in the software NVivo. The study identifies the following major Critical Success Factors for implementing ERP in a university education context, in order of coding density: (I) champions, (II) networking (like user groups, seminars and conferences) (III) curriculum development as well as (IV) learn and innovate. Champions in the university context (I) can be related to the business CSF (10) project champion. Networking (II) in the university context can be related to (5) project team: the best and brightest as well (4) training and job redesign. Curriculum development (III) could be related to (4) training and job redesign. Learn and innovate (IV) in universities can be related to the business CSFs (2) change management and (3) Business Process Re-engineering (BPR). Five out of ten business CSFs can be clearly related to the case study regarding successful implementation in university curricula. The missing business CSFs in the case study are (1) top management commitment and support, (6) implementation strategy and timeframe, (7) consultant selection and relationship, (8) visioning and planning as well as (9) balanced team. Findings cannot be generalised statistically. However the findings/themes can be generalised thematically. The main contribution of the research concerns a matching between CSFs in business and CSFs for implementing ERP in university business curricula.