The complexity of software running on vehicular embedded systems is constantly
increasing and this negatively affects its development costs and time to
market. One way to deal with these issues is to boost abstraction in the form
of models to (i) ease the reasoning about the system architecture, (ii) automate
certain stages of the development, (iii) early detect flaws in the system architecture
through fundamental analysis and (iv) take appropriate countermeasures
before the system is implemented.
Considering the importance of timing requirements in the design of software
for vehicular embedded systems, in this licentiate thesis we leverage
Model-Driven Engineering for realizing a semi-automatic approach which allows
the developer to perform end-to-end delay timing analysis on design models,
without having to manually model timing elements and set their values.
The proposed approach, starting from a design model of an automotive
software functionality, automatically generates a set of models enriched with
timing elements whose values are set at generation time. End-to-end delay timing
analysis is run on the generated models and, based on the analysis results,
the approach automatically selects the generated models which better meet a
specific set of timing requirements.