Money by definition is always a subjective human creation. Because of this it is unavoidablethat the physical and mental structure of a specific money system will have an effect on thesociety where it is circulating. With this fact as a starting point, the thesis is analysing whetherthe Swedish national currency, the crown, is consistent with a sustainable development. Theaim of the analysis is to: (a) identify the major shortcomings of the infrastructure of the crownin relation to its ability to support a sustainable development, (b) evaluate what possiblesolutions there are at hand to adjust for the shortcomings. The method used is purely based ontheoretical analysis, with emphasis on abstraction and causal simplicity.In a modern society, money is not only circulating as coins and bills, but also as digital assetstransferred directly between bank accounts. In the case of the Swedish crown, about 8 % ofthe money exists as coins and bills, while about 92 % of the money is digital. The coins andbills are created by the Swedish central bank, while the digital money is created by privatebanks and credit institutions. This privately created money exists with debt as a precondition.Someone has to make a loan, and thus create a debt, before the money can exist. On a societylevel these individual debts add up to a total debt which is growing faster than the amount ofmoney available to repay the debt, since the banking institutions are also charging interest ontop of each loan. The outcome is a situation where the debt becomes more and moreimpossible to repay and therefore it also creates a chronical shortage of money in society.This shortage causes several negative effects in society as a whole and on development ingeneral, leading to the conclusion that the Swedish crown is not consistent with an ecologicaland social sustainable development.The main problems could be solved by removing the right of private organisations to issuemoney and place this in the hands of a democratic public authority. New money should be putinto circulation without creation of new debt. The profits from issuing then become publicinstead of private, and the amount of money in circulation can be adjusted according to need.