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The role of buildings in the energy system: Intersectoral barriers to future developments
Mälardalen University, School of Business, Society and Engineering, Future Energy Center. (Energy)ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5409-8950
Mälardalen University, School of Business, Society and Engineering, Future Energy Center.ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4589-7045
Mälardalen University, School of Business, Society and Engineering, Future Energy Center.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8604-9299
2013 (English)In: The role of buildings in the energy system - intersectoral barriers to future developments, 2013Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Residential energy consumption has a significant share in the final energy use in Sweden. Despite this relationship, it is hard to say that there is cooperation between the building and energy sectors for energy issues in buildings. In the grid of the future, buildings will no longer be a passive element of the electricity system; instead, they will acquire an active role in the operation of the grid. The cooperation between the building and energy sectors could play a key role for a successful development of smart grid technologies in buildings.In this paper, we describe the Swedish case and analyse the barriers to cooperation between the energy and building companies with the help of interviews with several stakeholders. This study showed that there is a demand for new business models in order to accommodate smart grid developments in buildings. Collective projects and new roles that reduce the power differences and barriers between the two sectors could contribute to the cooperation and support the development of future energy services in buildings.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
smart grid; building; energy; policy; active; intersectoral
National Category
Energy Engineering
Research subject
Energy- and Environmental Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-22324OAI:, id: diva2:661262
International Conference on Applied Energy ICAE 2013, Jul 1-4, 2013, Pretoria, South Africa
Swedish Research Council Formas, 244-2011-231Available from: 2013-11-01 Created: 2013-11-01 Last updated: 2015-11-16Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. An analysis of the relationship between the energy and buildings sectors in Sweden
Open this publication in new window or tab >>An analysis of the relationship between the energy and buildings sectors in Sweden
2015 (English)Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Climate change is one of the global challenges of our time. The energy sector is at the focus of the European efforts to combat climate change as it accounts for 80% of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union. Buildings, on the other hand, represent 40% of the energy use and 33% of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union, giving the buildings sector also a key role in the European climate strategy. There are, at the same time, strong interdependencies between the energy and buildings sectors due to the high amount of energy used by buildings and their rising importance as active components in the future energy systems. These interdependencies do not only influence the investment decisions in the energy and buildings sectors, but also the effectiveness of the European climate strategy. Cooperation between the energy and buildings sectors can create beneficial outcomes for the both sectors as well as the environment. It may also encourage innovation, improve the energy performance of buildings, and help achieve a higher penetration of renewable energy into the energy system.

This licentiate thesis investigates the relationship between the energy and buildings sector at the inter-company level. Presenting the data collected from interviews and a web survey answered by the energy and buildings sectors in Sweden, this thesis examines the level of cooperation between these two sectors, discusses trust issues between stakeholders, presents the factors that negatively impact cooperation, and provides recommendations for the minimisation of these factors.

The findings presented in this thesis indicate an insufficient level of cooperation between the energy and buildings sectors in Sweden, to which the following factors have been identified to contribute in a negative a way: district heating monopolies; energy efficiency in buildings; building regulations; self-generation of electricity; and energy use patterns. The emphasis on self-interest by stakeholders within the both sectors appears to create trust issues between stakeholders. Accordingly, shifting the focus from self-gains to mutual gains is deemed necessary to improve the cooperation between the energy and buildings sectors. This, however requires significant changes in current practices and business models. It has been identified that the development of smart energy systems that allow a closer interaction between the energy and buildings sectors through flexible energy supply and use would minimise many of the factors that negatively impact cooperation.

Abstract [sv]

Klimatförändringen är en av de stora globala utmaningar vi står inför. I Europa läggs idag stort fokus på energisektorn, som står för 80 procent av det totala utsläppen av växthusgaser. Byggnader representerar 40 procent av energianvändningen och 33 procent av växthusutsläppen, vilket också ger byggsektorn en nyckelroll i den europeiska klimatstrategin. Samtidigt finns det starka beroendeförhållanden mellan energi- och byggsektorn på grund av den höga energianvändningen i byggnader och deras ökade betydelse som en aktiv komponent i det framtida energisystemet. Dessa beroendeförhållanden påverkar inte bara investeringsbeslut i de båda sektorerna, utan även effektiviteten i den europeiska klimatstrategin. Samarbete mellan energi- och byggsektorn kan få positiva effekter för både dem själva såväl som för miljön. Samarbete mellan sektorerna kan även uppmuntra innovation, förbättra energieffektiviteten i byggnader och tillåta en högre användning av förnyelsebar energi i energisystemet. 

Denna licentiatavhandling utforskar förhållandet mellan energi- och byggsektorn på företagsnivå genom att analysera data som samlats in med hjälp av intervjuer och en webbaserad enkät.  Intervjuer och enkäter har besvarades av både energi- och byggsektorerna i Sverige. Denna avhandling studerar nivån av samarbete mellan de två sektorerna, diskuterar problem gällande förtroende mellan intressenter, presenterar de identifierade faktorer som försvårar samarbete och ger rekommendationer för att minimera dessa.

Resultatet visar på en otillräcklig nivå av samarbete mellan energi- och byggsektorerna i Sverige. De faktorer som försvårar samarbetet är följande: fjärrvärmemonopol; energieffektivitet i byggnader; byggregler, egenproduktion av el och användarmönster. Naturligt finns ett egenintresse hos olika intressenter inom de båda sektorerna, och detta tycks ha skapat ett förtroendeproblem mellan de olika sektorerna Att byta fokus från egen vinning till gemensamma mål bedöms vara nödvändigt för att öka samarbetet mellan energi- och byggsektorerna. Detta fodrar dock stora förändringar både i nuvarande verksamhet samt i affärsmodellerna. Det har påvisats att utvecklandet av smarta energisystem som tillåter en större interaktion mellan energi- och byggsektorerna genom flexibel energiförsörjning och användning skulle minimera många av de faktorer som inverkar negativt på samarbetet.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Västerås: Mälardalen University, 2015
Mälardalen University Press Licentiate Theses, ISSN 1651-9256 ; 215
energy sector; buildings sector; energy efficiency
National Category
Energy Engineering
Research subject
Energy- and Environmental Engineering
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-28693 (URN)978-91-7485-222-6 (ISBN)
2015-10-05, Delta, Mälardalens högskola, Västerås, 13:15 (English)
Swedish Research Council Formas, 244-2011-231
Available from: 2015-08-13 Created: 2015-08-11 Last updated: 2017-09-14Bibliographically approved

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Bulut, Mehmet BörühanWallin, FredrikKarlsson, Björn

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Bulut, Mehmet BörühanWallin, FredrikKarlsson, Björn
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