Heat recovery ventilation systems, because of reducing ventilation loss through recovered exhaust air, can play a good role in the effectiveness of ventilation to reduce energy use. In this paper, the impact of a heat recovery ventilator (HRV) on the energy use and indoor radon in residential buildings is investigated. This paper describes the effects of a heat recovery ventilation system on energy consumption in a detached house in Stockholm, Sweden. The performance of the heat recovery ventilation system is examined with respect to radon mitigation and energy saving by measuring the radon concentration and analyzing the life cycle cost of a heat exchanger unit. In this study, a multizone model of a detached house is developed in IDA Indoor Climate and Energy (IDA ICE 4.0). The model is validated using measurements regarding use of energy for heating, ventilation and whole energy use. The results of the measurements and dynamic simulation showed that heat recovery ventilation system 74% energy savings of the ventilation loss, amounted about 30 kWh.m-2 per year. Life cycle cost analysis used for assessing total costs and the result showed that using this system is quite cost-effective and investment would payback during 12 years.