This report describes a thesis work in computer science that was carried out at Imagination Studios. Imagination Studios is a motion capture studio that also does animations and has its main customers in the game sector. Motion capture is a way to make games and animated videos look realistic by letting real actors perform and capture scenes that are then superimposed on the animated characters in the game or video. Imagination Studios research and development department needed a tool for their future research that has the possibility to compare captured motions in an easy way. So the task for this thesis was to create a tool that makes it possible for a user to see the differences in captured motions and also come up with a creative graphical user interface. During this thesis some game scenarios were made, and then video sketches to describe how an actor should act during these scenarios. Some shoots doing these scenarios to get some test data for the final program. The final product contains of two different programs that make it possible to compare captured motions. The main program shows positions of different markers in three different graphs representing X, Y and Z coordinates over time and has the possibility to save the data down to a csv-file. The second program shows a marker cloud of the actual motions in 3D where the user has the possibility to show one or multiple takes at the same time for easier comparison.