The purpose of this paper is to discuss how to design entrepreneurial mindsets in different academic cultures and its motives with focus on engineering and management education. Empirical data are collected from, Sweden, Ukraine and India in a ten-year period from 1998-2009. The theoretical framework is based on an integrated view of innovation, design and entrepreneurship sciences. Our findings are that it is quite possible to open up more traditional or narrow mindsets of engineering and management to more broad and multi-scientific approaches, relevant in our complex world. An entrepreneurial mindset has close links to innovation and is characterized by relentless pursuit of opportunities, thinking different, intuitive and executive, is risk-taking and eliminates pre-existing routines. It focuses more on technology and business creation than on state-of-the art technology and business administration. In this approach the culture and climate in an organization and the eco-system around the universities also can be changed to high-light creativity, design and innovation. We have learnt that a strong, open and visionary leadership is necessary in such a challenging work.