Component-based development promises many improvements in developing software for embedded systems, e.g., greater reuse of once written software, less error-prone development process, greater analyzability of systems and shorter time needed for overall development. One of the aspects commonly left out of component models is communication of software components with hardware devices such as sensors and actuators. As one of the main characteristics of embedded systems is the interaction with their environment through hardware devices, the effects of this interaction should be fully included in component models for embedded systems. In this paper we present a framework that enables inclusion of hardware devices in different phases of the component-based development process, including system design, deployment, analysis and code synthesis. Our framework provides a way for software components to explicitly state their dependencies on hardware devices, promotes reuse of software components with such dependencies and provides a basis for including hardware devices in analysis of component based embedded systems. We evaluate the feasibility of our approach by applying it to the ProCom component model.