Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE credits
This thesis aims to apply the reinforcement learning into soccer robot and show the
great power of reinforcement learning for the RoboCup. In the first part, the
background of reinforcement learning is briefly introduced before showing the
previous work on it. Therefore the difficulty in implementing reinforcement learning
is proposed. The second section demonstrates basic concepts in reinforcement
learning, including three fundamental elements, state, action and reward respectively,
and three classical approaches, dynamic programming, monte carlo methods and
temporal-difference learning respectively. When it comes to keepaway framework,
more explanations are given to further combine keepaway with reinforcement
learning. After the suggestion about sarsa algorithm with two function approximation,
artificial neural network and tile coding, it is implemented successfully during the
simulations. The results show it significantly improves the performance of soccer
2011. , p. 33