Health seeking behaviour is important in older people with hypertension and overweight, in terms of managing health factors that are related to their health and illness. However, health seeking behaviour of Thai older people is not well documented. This qualitative study aimed to describe health seeking behaviour of overweight hypertensive older people. Seven older women and three men participated in this study through purposive sampling. Qualitative data were gathered via in-depth interviews and were analyzed using content analysis. The results of this study illustrated that older people started to seek health care after understanding the need to seek health care due to the severity of their symptoms. The older people began illness management by using their knowledge to take care of themselves. If management was ineffective, they would seek health care from professional health care providers and traditional healers. Additionally, family members play important roles in the health seeking behaviour of older people. In particular, Thai older people with hypertension and overweight demonstrate various health seeking behaviours that are useful to health care providers in providing appropriate care to these older people, aiming to promote better health of the older people.