The aim of this article is to identify inclusion practices in foster families by studying the everyday life of young people entering various types of foster family. Structure and warmth in the family stand out as important dimensions of everyday life. What is not so evident in previous research is the way emotional 'warmth' is created. In particular, joking, gentle teasing, and laughing, which in this paper stand out as important inclusion practices, seem to be rather unknown aspects in foster care, as is the importance of doing things together in everyday life. The young people’s contributions in creating a good family atmosphere are visible in the study, as is their capacity to adapt to a new family. Daily routines normalise the adolescents´ everyday life. Negotiations make them part of important decisions, and may strengthen them as social agents. Foster parents´ positive attitude towards birth family facilitates birth parents´ support to their children. In this case study, mixed qualitative methods are used: interviews, network maps, ‘beepers’, and video recordings in the foster home.