The wheel loader is a very versatile machine hence the layout of the machine and the software has to be a compromise of all the possible application. If the machine could detect the application and adapt the software settings to optimize the machine for the current application more application unique settings would be possible. To make the application identification cost efficient and possible to implement over the whole product range a minimum of added product cost is preferred. Therefore only using existing sensors of a wheel loader and using a software algorithm for the identification is suggested. In the following chapters three common applications are described from a generic point of view. The identification can be divided into different sections days, series, cycles and phases. The declaration of the phases is meant to be consistent regardless of application, however some phases may not be present in some application, 18 phases are identified to cover all application. Algorithms are developed to identify three different applications, bucket, pallet, timber and two different material classes. It is stated that it is possible to differentiate at least two different material classes with the suggested algorithms.