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Evaluation of Large Power Transformer Losses for green house gas and final cost reductions
Mälardalen University, School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology. (Process Efficiency Improvement+Energy Management & Load Control)
(Process Efficiency Improvement+Energy Management & Load Control)
(Process Efficiency Improvement+Energy Management & Load Control)
2007 (English)Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Transformers are more complex devices, consisting of an iron core around which are wrapped various coils of insulated wires, inside a tank filled with insulating oil, along with connectors, bushings and various other small components. Overloading causes excess heat in a transformer, the negative effects of which are degradation of the kraft paper insulation around the wires (leading to internal failures of the coils), excessive tank pressure or degradation of the insulating oil (either of which can cause catastrophic failures, even explosions), and leaking gaskets and seals. (Since the copper used in the windings is already soft (annealed) and is not under tension, overheating of the conductors is generally not a concern.) Thermal cycling contributes to mechanical damage by loosening connections. Because of hysteresis in the transformer core, overloading generates harmonics and these can cause mechanical vibration of the transformer, contributing to physical damage. Overloading also assumes that faults near the transformer, when they occur, will be greater than normal, so there is the increased likelihood of damage to the transformer from fault currents; such damage can be manifested by coil failures, bushing flashovers, blown gaskets and seals, connector failures, oil explosions and fires, and physical displacement of internal components due to electromechanical torques. In the world consume millions barrels oils for cover of electrical losses then produced green house gas. With introduce of new method for loss reduction authors find a new method that presented in this paper. In this paper we Asses the impact of losses on final cost of transformer and so green house gas. And would proved that losses cost is equal of capital investment for buying a transformer. Emissions of in electrical network is 0.4 kg / kWh, that for the world only for transformer losses are (11,500 billion kilowatts hours are produced electricity) closed to 46 billion tons and can reduce it to 23 billion ton by a good looses management.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Västerås, Sweden: IGECIII , 2007.
Keywords [en]
power transformers, cost, losses, GHG, rate
National Category
Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
Research subject
Energy- and Environmental Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-1242ISBN: 978-91-84585-52-9 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:37705
Available from: 2008-10-10 Created: 2008-10-10 Last updated: 2016-01-18Bibliographically approved

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Mousavi Takami, KouroshMahmoudi, Jafar
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