In hierarchical scheduling, a system is organized into multiple levels of individually scheduled subsystems (hierarchical scheduling tree), which provides several benefits for developers including possibilities for parallel development of subsystems. In this paper, we study how the model of task automata and the Times tool can be applied to provide support for rapid and early prototyping of hierarchically scheduled embedded systems. As a main result, we show how a single node, in an arbitrary level in a hierarchical scheduling tree (scheduled with fixed-priority preemptive scheduling), can easily be analyzed in Times by replacing all interfering nodes with a small set of higher priority (dummy) tasks. We show with an algorithm how these dummy tasks are generated (including task-parameters such as period, offset etc.). Further, we generate executable source code, with the Times code-generator, that emulates the scheduling environment (with our dummy tasks), i.e., the hierarchical scheduling tree and all of its preemptions, of a small example system. Yet another contribution is that we transform the generated (brickOS) source code to run on an industrial oriented platform (VxWorks), and conduct an performance evaluation.