It is a win-win situation when an organization is able to take advantages of employee´s creativity. We argue that creative developmental phases demands other kinds of patterns than production on daily basis, with maintained quality and efficiency. Thus collaborators need to develop creative thought styles and creative action patterns, combined with the ability to temporary change these patterns. For actualization of these new patterns we emphasize two essential supporting conditions: 1) the balance between autonomy and integration, 2) the capacity to deal with spontaneity. First, leaders has to assure that appropriate conditions for a balance between autonomy and integration in the group is established, so that each individuals' initiative relates appropriate to the mutuallly created group idea. The second essential condition for group creativity to be materialized is that collaborators' spontaneous responses has to be encouraged as well as their trust in the groups' capacity to deal with these responses constructively. In order to reach a comprehensive view on these complex phenomena we utilize an emergence based perspective in our research. This perspective focus on the interaction between two levels, i.e. the emerging higher level and the lower component level. Through the emergence perspective social dynamics in leadership and in the creative group may be understood as the interplay between group members interaction, i.e. low level, and emergent common patterns of ideas, actions and relationships, i.e. higher level, that organizes the work.