Scientific session on Energy saving and Green energy
Chairman: Erik Dahlquist, Mälardalen University
1. Investigations on CO2 absorption using amine solvents in hollow fiber membrane contactors by experiments .
Yuexia Lv1, Xinhai Yu1*, Shan-tung Tu1, J. Yan2, E. Dahlquist2,School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200237, China; 2. Dept. IST, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden
2. Intensification of transesterification for synthesis of biodiesel using microchannel reactors.
Zhenzhong Wen1, Xinhai Yu1*, Shan-tung Tu1, J. Yan2, E. Dahlquist2 1. School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200237, China; 2. Dept. IST, Mälardalen University, Västerås
3. Continuous bioethanol production by fermentation
. Bernt Lie, Juan I. Videla.Telemark University College, Porsgrunn, Norway
4. Optimization and Economic Analysis of Marnoch Thermal Energy Conversion System,
C.C. Chukwu1, G.F Naterer2, M.A. Rosen3, E. Dahlquist4 I.A Marnoch5 ,1,2,3,4 University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa. Ontario, Canada, 4 Malardalen University, Vasteras Sweden, 5 Marnoch Thermal Power Inc. Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
5. Analysis of the coal based polygeneration system of hybrid type
Guoqiang Zhang1,2, Lin GAO1, Hongguang JIN1,* 1 Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
6. Power transformer parameters identification using extended kalman filter
Kourosh Mousavi Takami, TDI researcher and phd student in Malardalen University , Jafar Mahmoudi , Erik Dahlquist, Malardalen University
7. An advanced energy saving method for Aluminium - iron - copper bonding using explosive welding
Scientific session on Energy savings in houses
Chairman: Jurek Pyrko, Lund University
. Mohammad Tabatabaee. TDI institute, Teheran, Iran and Mälardalen University
8. Design of hot water user profiles for Swedish households based on time diaries.
751 21 Uppsala, Sweden
Magdalena Lundh, Ewa Wäckelgård, Kajsa Ellegård. Department of Engineering Sciences The Ångström Laboratory Box 534
9. Modeling Household Electricity Load from Time-Use Data
. Joakim Widén, Kajsa Ellegård och Ewa Wäckelgård. Department of Engineering Sciences,Solid State Physics,Uppsala University
10. Investigation of electricity consumption in single houses with electrical heating alone and together with complementary heating systems
. Cajsa Bartusch, Fredrik Wallin, Erik Dahlquist, Mälardalen University.
11. Differences in electricity and hot water consumption in apartments of different sizes.
Iana Vassileva, Cajsa Bartusch, Erik Dahlquist. Mälardalen University.
12. Novel Architect Designs Energy-Saving Iranian Homes
. S.M. Esmail Mousavi-Takami, TDI Technical Development Institute, Teheran, Iran
13. Inform me please! - Energy use information to households and Demand Response
. Jurek Pyrko, Energy Sciencees, Lunds University
14. "Consumers, energy and IT. IT and other tools to support efficient energy consumption"
I.C. MariAnne Karlsson Chalmers University of Technology, Product and Production Development
15. Influence of Residential Ventilation on Radon Mitigation with Energy Saving emphasis
Keramatollah Akbari, Mälardalen University and TDI in Teheran, Iran
. Extracting alumina from bauxite ore in jajarm factory process simulation using aspen software
Mohammad Farrokh and Jafar Mahmoudi, Mälardalen University and TDI in Teheran, Iran
17. Description of techniques for hot spot monitoring and detection in power transformers
Hassan gholinejad, Kourosh Mousavi Takami and Jafar Mahmoudi, Mälardalen University and Tanesh Company, Iran
Västerås: Malardalen University , 2008. , p. 200