Preschool children's expression of participation in primary child health care
According to The Convention on the Rights of Child children have the right to have their voice heard and to participate in situations that involve them.
Aim of the study
The aim of this study was to explore and describe the expression of participation of 3-year old children during their annual primary health care visit.
The study employed qualitative research design using video-observation, and focused on the actions of twenty-nine 3-year olds in their interaction with the nurse. The varying expressions of the children were captured using hermeneutic analysis.
The findings demonstrate how 3-year old children prepare themselves for particiaption prior to their health care visit. They arrange their bodies in different positions, ask questions, seek contact with their parent or are absorbed in their thoughts. The children then direct their attention towards the health care activity, by using bodily and/or spoken expressions they respond to the nurse´s invitations. When the children have replyed to the invitation they confirm them self. Findings also show children´s expressions of unpreparedness and reluctance in the health care situation.
Conclusion / discussion
Children’s participation occupies either all or part of the body and bodily expressions replace each other in a rapid progression. Children´s spoken expression strengthens their bodily expression.
Practical relevance
Studying pre-school children’s expressions in the child health care environment can contribute to promote their participation in their interaction with nursing staff.
Research implications
This research project will continue by studying the expression of perceived participation of children at 4 and 5,5 years of age during their annual primary health care visit.
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