Real-time embedded systems typically include concurrent tasks of different priorities with time-dependent operations accessing common resources. In this context, unsynchronized
parallel executions may lead to hazard situations caused by e.g., race conditions. To be able to detect such
faulty system behaviors before implementation, we introduce a unified model of resource constrained, scheduled
real-time system descriptions, in Alur's and Henzinger's rigorous framework of timed reactive modules. We take a
component-based design perspective and construct the real-time system model, by refinement, as a composition of real-time periodic preemptible tasks with encoded functionality,
and a fixed-priority scheduler, all modeled as timed modules.
For the model, we express the notions of race condition and redundant locking, formally, as invariance properties
that can be verified by model-checking.
2008. p. 102-111
1st International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, ICST 2008; Lillehammer; Norway; 9 April 2008 through 11 April 2008