This language reference describes the syntax and semantics of SaveCCM, a
component modeling language for embedded systems designed with vehicle applications and safety concerns in focus. The SaveCCM component model was
defined within the SAVE project. The SAVE components are influenced mainly
by the Rubus component technology, with a switch concept similar to that
in Koala. The semantics is defined by a transformation into timed automata
with tasks, a formalism that explicitly models timing and real-time task scheduling.
The purpose of this document is to describe a semantics of the SAVE component modeling language, which can be used to describe timing and functional behavior of components. The model of a system is in some cases an over approximation of the actual system behavior. An implementation of a model can resolve non-determinism e.g. by merging tasks or assigning a scheduling policy (such as static scheduling or fixed priority, preemptive or not) that will resolve
the non-determinism.