Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 15 credits / 22,5 HE credits
Date May 29th, 2009
Course Master Thesis EFO705, International Marketing
Tutor Daniel Tolstoy
Authors Thi Bich Ngoc Nguyen
Thi Xuan Thu Nguyen
Brand Launching and Sustaining in a Developing Country
The project is to investigate the Brand Launching and Sustaining in a
The Case Study of Honda on Vietnam Motorcycle Market
developing country through the study on how Honda has successfully
launched and sustained its Brand on the Motorcycle Market of Vietnam.
Honda's Brand Launching campaign and the company's strategies and
initiatives to Sustain its Brand on the Motorcycle Market of Vietnam.
The realistic approach and case study method are to be applied. The
information should be gathered through numerous sources: primary data
from the email qualitative interviews with the managers of Honda
Motorcycle Vietnam, and the email quantitative surveys among Vietnam's
Honda Motorcycle users; secondary data from the articles in a variety of
newspapers and magazines as well as websites.
Conceptual Model
The contents covered in the project are Brand Launching and Sustaining.
In particular, theories related to Brand Launching in terms of Brand
Identity and Brand Positioning, as well as Brand Sustaining with respects
to Brand Growth and Brand Maturity should be investigated and analysed.
In addition, what is of significance importance is the base of the
company's Branding Strategies -the business environment of the
destination country. Therefore, the disseration should thoroughly
investigate the Grasp of the Market including Market Assessment
(Government Policies, Demand Conditions and Market Opportunities) and
Communications (Marketing and PR Activities and Social Corporate
Responsibility) which serve as the foundation for the firm's market-based
or fully tailored Branding Strategies to the specific conditions or
characteristics of the destination nation.
Honda has adopted appropriate Branding Strategies (Brand Identity,
Positioning, Growing and Sustaining) on Vietnam Motorcycle Market.
The firm has identified its Brand as true Made-in-Japan products of high
quality and reasonable price. It serves as 'the power of dreams' created in
an ideal corporate culture and environment friendly working condition
which is committed to advanced technology and society orientation.
Honda Brand has been positioned to satisfy the needs for a transportation
means of reliability, long duration, safety, hi-tech, fuel saving and
environment protection of the middle and high class customer groups in
Vietnam. To compete with such rivals as Yamaha, Suzuki, SYM and
Piaggio, Honda has adopted proper Growing Strategies with Cub and
Scooter categories including a range of product lines. In addition, the
company has implemented appropriate Sustaining Strategies focusing on
Communication Efforts and Influencer Proximity with a variety of
Marketing and PR activities, Safety Driving Plan and Social Activities
ranging from Environmental Preservation, Educational Development,
Safety Driving Support Activities to Donation and Charity Activities.
Actually, Honda's Branding strategies have been fully tailored to the
specific market conditions of Vietnam.
Honda has gained the leading position on Vietnam Motorcycle Market
since 1996 when the company penetrated into the country. Honda Brand
has received great love from Vietnamese customers and become more than
a Brand, but a citizen of Vietnam who 'strives to become a company that
the society wants to exist'.
Honda Brand success should only be maintained when the firm is
managed to constantly strengthen Honda Brand itself as well as identify
and fix the shortcomings: keep serving as a good Vietnamese citizen, be
consistent with the company's reasonable pricing strategy, improve the
firm's customer relationships and pay more attention to the counterfeit
brand defense.
Honda's great achievements in Vietnam offer valuable lessons for the
firms who desire to successfully brand in Vietnam in particular and
developing countries in general: Concerning Brand Launching (Brand
Identity and Positioning), the company should invest in Marketing and PR
activities, adopt Reasonable Price and Localization strategies, pay
attention to Customer Relationship, Influencer Proximity and Corporate
Social Responsibility to become a good citizen of the market country.
Regarding Brand Sustaining (Brand Growth and Maturity), the firm
should take advantages of brand extension and line extension, maintain the
Launching Strategies and simultaneously Bring Added Values and
Recreate a Perceived Difference for its brands, Actively and dynamically
involving itself in the Competition and also adopting Dual Management.
2009. , p. 101
Brand Management, Brand Creating, Brand Sustaining, Developing Countries, Honda Motorcycle, Vietnam Market