We consider homogeneous binomial ideals I=(f1,…,fn) in K[x1,…,xn], where fi=aixid−bimi and ai≠0. When such an ideal is a complete intersection, we show that the monomials which are not divisible by xid for i=1,…,n form a vector space basis for the corresponding quotient, and we describe the Macaulay dual generator in terms of a directed graph that we associate to I. These two properties can be seen as a natural generalization of well-known properties for monomial complete intersections. Moreover, we give a description of the radical of the resultant of I in terms of the directed graph.
Article; Export Date: 10 April 2024; Cited By: 0; Correspondence Address: F. Jonsson Kling; Stockholms Universitet, Sweden; email: filip.jonsson.kling@math.su.se; CODEN: JALGA