A country is said to have economic growth if its income increases over time. Factors like capital, entrepreneurship, labor, and land determine economic growth. Stock prices rise when the firms in the country record an increase in the value of their goods and services. However, multinational corporations have been more vital in enhancing economic growth. These companies operate in more than one nation running businesses in other countries apart from the home country. Typically, these companies significantly increase economic growth because they form the basis of employment opportunities and technologically advanced production methods. The study aims to determine the impacts of multinational corporations on economic growth and thus determine whether nations benefit from multinational corporations in their economic development. Specifically, the study shall examine impacts of the foreign direct investment, the average investment shares per capita, the average annual population growth and the real gross domestic product per capita on the economic growth of nations.This will assess the impact of transnational corporations on factors of economic growth like physical capital, human resources, natural resources, and technology, the benefits, and challenges associated with international competition. The thesis used traditional economic variables to analyze the results of the economic growth in various countries using a multiple regression model. Moreover, systematic reviews of secondary data were collected from books, government reports, websites, journals, and newspapers to bring more insight into the study findings.