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Kartläggning av deponigasupptagssystem: Miljönyttan med att använda deponigas inom uppvärmningssystem
Mälardalen University, School of Business, Society and Engineering.
2023 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

After the impact of industrialism, the carbon dioxide content has increased in the atmosphere due to growing industries with increased greenhouse gas emissions. The industrialization has contributed to increased purchasing habits that has led to more emissions and wastequantities. That is why it’s important with good waste management to be able to reduce the emissions and take care of the energy within the waste. One way to reduce the climate footprint is to utilize the methane gas from the decomposition process from organic waste. The purpose of this study was to investigate landfill that extract landfill gas, what is the environmental benefit of these systems and what is the cost. The environmental calculations together with the economical analysis was based on Atleverkets production data from a landfill in Örebro. The result showed that this system strongly reduces the greenhouse gas effect from landfills since the methane gas is extracted and burned. This contributes to methane gas within the landfill converting into carbon dioxide emissions with smaller greenhouse gas effects. The amount of methane gas that was collected in 2022 had a total greenhouse gas effect of 8 772 450 kg of carbon dioxide equivalents. If you compare this to using the extracted methane gas as a fuel and burn it, the emissions were drastically reduced to 859 485 kg carbon dioxide equivalents. The amount of extracted methane gas in 2022 was 436 658 Nm3 and contained an energy amount of 4 353 MWh. The economic analysis showed that this system was financially positive with costs lower than possible revenue, but with net balance efficiency depending on varying energy prices. These systems contribute to a more sustainable society since they reduce global emissions. There are many countries in the world that doesn’t have a sustainable waste management and still deposit organic waste in huge untapped landfills. That is why it’s important to invest in these kinds of systems in these countries to reduce the worlds emissions from landfills.

Keywords: Landfill gas, landfill gas-system, climate footprint, greenhouse gas, emissions, methane gas, organic waste, energy within wast.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2023. , p. 52
National Category
Engineering and Technology
URN: urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-63687OAI:, id: diva2:1777209
External cooperation
Subject / course
Energy Engineering
Available from: 2023-06-30 Created: 2023-06-29 Last updated: 2023-06-30Bibliographically approved

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