Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to identify and compare the different measures and regulations aimed at preventing water damage in restrooms and kitchens. It also aims at contributing to a better understanding of their differences and the efficiency can increase from a water safety perspective. The goal is to spread awareness of the issues caused by water damages in homes and how to prevent them. Method: The method that was used for the research consists of a literature study and statistical analysis. To compare theory with real-life observation, four interviews were conducted with experts in their profession and two site visits were made for documentation. Result: The results show that water damage can occur as early as during the production phase, which can be explained by the lack of knowledge, time constraints and/or poor workmanship. By increasing water-connected appliances in kitchen and using an open floor plan has caused an increasing rate of water damages in kitchens. In the restrooms, the dominating cause of water damage is failure in surface and sealing layers. An effective method for prevention for water damages is recommended to use water leakage detectors and water alarms. These measures can alarm and/or shut down the water supply when water leakage is detected. Conclusion: Both kitchen and restroom are vulnerable areas to water damages. The legal requirements and industry regulations in Sweden differ between kitchens and restrooms. BBR does not have specific requirements for kitchen, only for restrooms. It is important that both areas are treated equal in BBR, because of potentially reaching a reduction in water damages. That is why it is important to have knowledge of where the water damages occur in those areas and which measures should be taken to minimize the risk of water damages.