Background: This thesis concerns mammography screening and foreign-born women. In several different social arenas, it has been discussed that foreign-born women visit mammography screening to a lesser extent than women born in Sweden. Breast cancer is a common form of cancer and is mostly found through mammography screening.
Aim: The aim was to study the reason why some foreign-born women do not go to the mammography screening when they are called to the screening.
Method: The study intends to investigate why a larger percentage of foreign-born women do not visit the mammography screening. In a quantitative study, a survey was conducted with 63 foreign-born women in Stockholm. The analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics.
Results: According to the results, the women receive the summons sent home but do not know what it means and believe that it is advertising because they do not understand the language. One conclusion is that there may be a lack of knowledge about mammography among foreign-born women and that more research is needed on this subject. An information campaign could contribute to women in socio-economically vulnerable areas participating more often in mammography screening.