‟Mellan två världar tycktes jag sväva...”: En queer läsning av Hervararsagan
2022 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
‟I seemed myself to be set between worlds...” : A Queer Reading of Hervarar Saga (English)
Abstract [en]
With the theory based in queer theories and gender studies, this bachelor thesis in literature, ‟I seemed myself to be set between worlds...” - A queer reading of the Hervarar Saga, does a queer reading and analysis of Hervor in the Icelandic fornaldarsaga, Hervara Saga. The analysis has the focuses on cross-dressing themes and non-binary gender. Hervor is a character that previously has been analysed by trying to explain her from a binary heterosexual way, often in the light of concepts like Shield Maidens, Maiden Kings and Ring women / Functional sons. These earlier analyses have been done by renowned academics within Old Norse studies, like John McKinnell, Carol J Clover, Agneta Ney and Johanna Katrín Friðriksdóttir. An article, written by Miriam Mayburd, questions previous analyses and instead analyses Hervor from a queer perspective in the context of sejd and its connection to ergi and queer elements. Another scholar, Kathleen M. Self, has also questioned if shield maidens and other types of warrior women should be regarded as women, or if they should be regarded as a third gender. With support from both Mayburdʼs and Selfʼs articles, this thesis explains how Hervor does not fit well into the concepts earlier used as an explanation of her cross-dressing and why we instead should read her as non-binary. With support in Mayburdʼs and Selfʼs analyses it also shows that a queer reading of old medieval texts like the Icelandic Sagas can add yet another dimension and explanation of, not only Hervor and her cross-dressing, but other shield maidens and women warrior in the Icelandic sagas as well.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2022. , p. 38
Keywords [sv]
fornaldarsaga, cross-dressing, genussystem, Hervararsagan, Hervor, icke-binär, isländska sagor, non binary, queer, queerläsning
National Category
General Literature Studies Specific Literatures
URN: urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-61891OAI: oai:DiVA.org:mdh-61891DiVA, id: diva2:1736393
Subject / course
Comparative Literature
2023-02-132023-02-132023-02-13Bibliographically approved