The aim of this R & D project (2019-2021 is to utilize the students and teachers experiences using a digital program in their education program at a Swedish gymnasium. The data collection content learning activities year two (N16) and three (N28) and year 1 - 4 for some students with intellectual disabilities (N9). The object was to follow up and document the classroom work; aiming to find in which activities the digital learning tool Electude (Simulation-based learning solutions for visual and kinesthetic learners) are used and what the daily challenges are for students and teachers during this transition process. Data were collected in observations, questionnaires (N41) and dialogues with students, teachers (N50) and special educators (N3) in the four classes. The social constructivist knowledge building (Vygotsky, 1981) and Activity theory (Leontiev, 1986) is viewpoints. Results from year one showed several imbalances between the students’ needs for learning and what they get out of the digital program. Some teachers explained that they find it hard to handle the new digital tool. The program instructions were built on a high and advanced technical level for the students to manage. Most of the activities single designed. The teachers’ stat up to discuss their own leadership in the classroom and activities in the classroom and work in pairs became common in year two. The teachers suggested a) a more Teacher-based introduction as a step before the hands-on activities in Electude b). solutions for teaching students’ needs in interchange and c) balance up the students’ needs with more practice in workshops. Students motivation related to teachers’ attitude. When teachers felt secure handling the digital tool the students liked the learning activities more.