Energy system research requires input data with high temporal and spatial resolution. However, the measurements performed in meteorological stations are only available for selected locations. Currently a growing number of research papers on small and large-scale power systems utilizes data coming from satellite measurements and various reanalyses. Although many authors aimed at comparing various data sources on irradiation and wind speed there is a lack of such studies, which compare both resources simultaneously at the same location. In consequence, many studies which are entirely based on satellite/reanalysis data may not be representative. In this paper 15 locations in Poland have been selected where the National Institute of Meteorology and Water Management performs continuous measurements of wind speed, temperature and global irradiation on a horizontal surface. Hourly time series were obtained for the year 2012 and 2013. The renewable resources were converted into electrical energy, considering the performance of typical PV panels and wind turbines. The findings of this study are as follows: solar radiation (CAMS and ERA5) shows a good agreement with ground measurements, for hourly values the coefficient of correlations is greater than 0.9; for individual locations the energy yield from PV system can differ by up to 9% but on average (all locations) the simulated energy yield based on satellite data is higher by less than 0.5%; simulations for wind energy showed a large variability in results with differences in capacity factors reaching 15 percentage points.