Physical activity is a fundamental factor in maintaining and improving health, by reducing non-communicable diseases and improving balance, strength and fitness. Physical inactivity is a common problem affecting many older people. To prevent physical inactivity, there are various opportunities offered by society wherever older people are and one of these settings is the nursing home. This study focuses primarily on physical activity as a determinant of health and the opportunities available to be physically active. The purpose of this study is to explore older people's perceptions of physical activity and opportunities to engage in it. The study is based on a qualitative data collection through a semi-structured interview. Participants were selected through purposive sampling and seven older people from a nursing home participated in the study. The data collected from the participants' perceptions were analyzed through a qualitative manifest content analysis. The results showed that older people have different perceptions of physical activity from walking to gym training, based on the opportunities provided by the nursing home to maintain physical health. The study concluded that most of the elderly people were physically active based on the health promotion work that the nursing home is based on.