This degree project presents a 3D transient model of a vertically mounted bifacial panel created in SolidWorks to evaluate the temperature field of the model compared to a reference panel located at Kärrbo Prästgård. The model also includes the temperature characteristics of five models, three vertical bifacial panels and two tilted mono facial panels, where the estimated power output is compared. The study investigates if SolidWorks is a representable method for creating a 3D transient thermal model and how the temperature characteristics influence the power output. The validation model was based on the weather conditions for June 1st 2021, ambient temperature, wind direction, wind speed, and solar irradiance gathered at 10 minute time steps. The validation model showed similar temperature characteristics of the temperature distribution influencing the reference PV panel. The temperature calculation solutions had an average accuracy of 92.24%, compared to the reference PV panel. The five additional models investigating the temperature characteristics and power outputs during set wind direction and wind speed showed how the vertically mounted models had better temperature performances than the tilted models. This resulted in better power output efficiencies of the vertical models, and thanks to the bifacial design, the energy delivered by the vertical model compared to the tilted model where 0.4 kWh for the 12 hour simulation period.
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