Date: [2019-01-21]
Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr
Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University
Authors: Diako Faraj: 93/09/15
Wahid Abdul: 91/01/03
Title: Employee motivation in a charity organization.
Keywords: Prosocial Motivation, Work Motivation, Charity, Red Cross
questions: How important are the hygiene factors that include, social relations, salary, corporate management and the motivation factors of recognition, work itself, according to employees of the Red Cross? In what way are they important according to Red Cross employees?
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate of how Red Cross employees are affected by the hygiene and motivation factors and find out how important these factors are and in what regards they are important according to employees of the Red Cross.
Method: A qualitative method has been used in this study to answer the question and fulfill the purpose. Primary data were collected via five interviews. The results were then presented and analyzed using the theoretical frame of reference.
Conclusion: After investigating both the hygiene and motivation factors it came up that salary which is in the hygiene factors, was the only factor that did not have as much significance as the other factors. All the other factors were very important for the employees of the Red cross.