"Jag är fortfarande samma arab...": En kvalitativ undersökning om hur etnisk diskriminering på arbetsmarknaden driver invandrare till namnbyten samt dess betydelse för demokratin.
2021 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
Since the end of the 20th century, foreign names in the Swedish labor market have led to ethnic discrimination. This has driven immigrants to undergo name changes in order to pursue jobs and become an ordinary tax paying Swede. The purpose of this study is therefor to investigate if immigrants face ethnic discrimination on the Swedish labor market and its eventual effects. Furthermore, the purpose is also to investigate what the phenomenon of name change means for democracy in terms of inclusion, exclusion, and political justice. This will be done by applying the qualitative research method in five semi-structures interviews. The five interviews will then, in combination with the theoretical definitions of inclusion, exclusion, and political justice, inform the results of the study. Lastly, it can be concluded that experiences of ethnic discrimination that have led foreign individuals to change their name, can be described in terms of the denial of their feelings and skills. The outcome and effects are positive both at work and emotionally. Carrying out name changes is an individual choice based on free terms and is therefore judged democratically. This instead becomes a matter of political justice due to social constructions that determines the remaining outcomes and our positions in society.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2021. , p. 39
Keywords [en]
Name change, The Swedish labor market, ethnic discrimination, inclusion, exclusion, political justice
National Category
Political Science
URN: urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-54595OAI: oai:DiVA.org:mdh-54595DiVA, id: diva2:1562628
Subject / course
Political Science
2021-06-08, Västerås, 20:41 (Swedish)
2021-06-222021-06-082021-06-22Bibliographically approved