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CFD Investigations of Subcooled Nucleate Boiling Flows and Acting Interfacial Forces in Concentric Pipes
Mälardalen University, School of Business, Society and Engineering, Future Energy Center. (FEC)
Mälardalen University, School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, Innovation and Product Realisation.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2978-6217
Mälardalen University, School of Business, Society and Engineering, Future Energy Center.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8466-356X
Mälardalen University, School of Business, Society and Engineering, Future Energy Center. Hitachi ABB Power Grids, Sweden.ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8849-7661
2020 (English)In: Proceedings of The 61st SIMS Conference on Simulation and Modelling SIMS 2020, September 22-24, Virtual Conference, Finland, 2020, p. 385-392, article id SIMS-36Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Boiling flows are widely encountered in several engineering and industrial processes. They have a special interest in nuclear industry, where a Computational Fluid Dynamic(CFD) thermohydraulic investigation becomes very popular for design and safety. Many attempts to model numerically subcooled nucleate boiling flows can be found in the literature, where several interfacial forces acting on bubbles which are interacting on the bulk fluid were neglected, due to the hard convergence of the calculations, or to the bad accuracy of the obtained results. In this paper, a sensitivity analysis is carried out for the interfacial forces acting on bubbles during subcooled nucleate boiling flows. For this purpose, 2D CFD axisymmetric simulations based on an Eulerian approach are performed. The developed models aim to mimic the subcooled nucleate boiling flows in concentric pipes, operating at high pressure. The predicted spatial fields of boiling quantities of interest are presented and commented. The numerical results are compared against the available experimental data, where it is shown that neglecting some interfacial forces like the lift or the wall lubrication forces will yield to good predictions for some quantities but will fail the prediction for others. The models leading to the best predictions are highlighted and proposed as recommendations for future CFD simulations of subcooled nucleate boiling flows.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2020. p. 385-392, article id SIMS-36
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, ISSN 1650-3686, E-ISSN 1650-3740
Keywords [en]
Subcooled nucleate boiling flows, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Interfacial forces, Sensitivity analysis
National Category
Engineering and Technology Energy Engineering
Research subject
Energy- and Environmental Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-53298DOI: 10.3384/ecp20176385ISBN: 978-91-7929-731-2 (electronic)OAI:, id: diva2:1524822
61st SIMS Conference on Simulation and Modelling SIMS 2020
DIGI-BOILAvailable from: 2021-02-02 Created: 2021-02-02 Last updated: 2022-11-08Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Numerical Modelling of Subcooled Nucleate Boiling for Thermal Management Solutions Using OpenFOAM
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Numerical Modelling of Subcooled Nucleate Boiling for Thermal Management Solutions Using OpenFOAM
2021 (English)Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Two-phase cooling solutions employing subcooled nucleate boiling flows e.g. thermosyphons, have gained a special interest during the last few decades. This interest stems from their enhanced ability to remove extremely high heat fluxes, while keeping a uniform surface temperature. Consequently, modelling and predicting boiling flows is very important, in order to optimise the two-phase cooling operation and to increase the involved heat transfer coefficients. 

In this work, a subcooled boiling model is implemented in the open-source code OpenFOAM to improve and extend its existing solver reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam dedicated to model boiling flows. These flows are modelled using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) following the Eulerian two-fluid approach. The simulations are used to evaluate and analyse the existing Active Nucleation Site Density (ANSD) models in the literature. Based on this evaluation, the accuracy of the CFD simulations using existing boiling sub-models is determined, and features leading to improve this accuracy are highlighted. In addition, the CFD simulations are used to perform a sensitivity analysis of the interfacial forces acting on bubbles during boiling flows. Finally, CFD simulation data is employed to study the Onset of Nucleate Boiling (ONB) and to propose a new model for this boiling sub-model, with an improved prediction accuracy and extended validity range.

It is shown in this work that predictions associated with existing boiling sub-models are not accurate, and such sub-models need to take into account several convective boiling quantities to improve their accuracy. These quantities are the thermophysical properties of the involved materials, liquid and vapour thermodynamic properties and the heated surface micro-structure properties. Regarding the interfacial momentum transfer, it is shown that all the interfacial forces have considerable effects on boiling, except the lift force, which can be neglected without influencing the simulations' output. The new proposed ONB model takes into account convective boiling features, and it able to predict the ONB with a very good accuracy with a standard deviation of 2.7% or 0.1 K. This new ONB model is valid for a wide range of inlet Reynolds numbers, covering both regimes, laminar and turbulent, and a wide range of inlet subcoolings and applied heat fluxes.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Västerås: Mälardalen University, 2021. p. 146
Mälardalen University Press Licentiate Theses, ISSN 1651-9256 ; 304
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Boiling Flows, Two-phase cooling
National Category
Engineering and Technology
Research subject
Energy- and Environmental Engineering
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-53307 (URN)978-91-7485-497-8 (ISBN)
2021-03-19, R1-343 + digitalt via Zoom or Teams, Mälardalens högskola, Västerås, 09:00 (English)
Knowledge Foundation
Available from: 2021-02-03 Created: 2021-02-02 Last updated: 2022-12-06Bibliographically approved

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Rabhi, AchrefAslanidou, IoannaKyprianidis, KonstantinosBel Fdhila, Rebei

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Rabhi, AchrefAslanidou, IoannaKyprianidis, KonstantinosBel Fdhila, Rebei
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