This article introduces a new label, 'Affective Ethnography', and grounds it within the debates on post-qualitative methodologies and affective methodologies. Affective ethnography is theorized as a style of research practice that acknowledges that all elements-texts, actors, materialities, language, agencies-are already entangled in complex ways, and that they should be read in their intra-actions, through one another, as data in motion/data that move. I discuss three pillars for affective ethnographies that relate to researchers' presence in doing fieldwork and their bodily capacity to affect/be affected. The first is embodiment and embodied knowing. Doing fieldwork implies the ability to resonate with, becoming-with, and the capacity for affective attunement. The second aspect relates to place as flow, and process-to placeness. The third relates to affect as the power to act and therefore to the presence in the fieldwork of the capacity to 'make do', either intentionally or unintentionally.