Didaktik as content and form in Teacher Training: Resistance,challenges and possibilities. The aim of this article is to, through apedagogical-philosophical argument, illustrate how didactical perspectivescan contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the transformativecontent and pedagogy of teacher education. We begin by discussing thepedagogical challenges both teacher-educators and teacher-students facewithin teacher education, namely the existential trial of shifting from apupil perspective to a teacher perspective. By addressing rather than ignoringthese challenges, we attempt to show that there is an inherent and potentialpedagogy of teacher education. By problematizing the relationshipbetween pedagogy and didactics we illustrate how didactics risk beingviewed instrumentally if severed from their pedagogical roots. We thenintroduce didactical perspectives, rooted in a German speaking traditionand argue that these can be seen as not only appropriate as content forteacher education, but also as a pedagogical point of departure for teachereducators. Finally, we suggest that a university pedagogy with a didacticalorientation can attend to the existential transformation from a student toa teacher and give the becoming teachers both relevant knowledge andlanguage for their future practice.