Model-based development of complex embedded systems commonly leverages multiple models to describe systems at different levels of abstraction and from different viewpoints. Inconsistencies between these models may cause delays or late changes throughout system design, development and maintenance. Therefore, an efficient model-based development practice requires support for managing consistency between different models. This is complicated in practice because these models are possibly created in several different modelling languages and modelling tools. Furthermore, in order to be suitable for industrial adoption, consistency checking support must fit within current development processes and environments. This extended abstract describes a model-based development scenario from which a need for consistency checking emerges, followed by a discussion of requirements for consistency checking from a development process point of view. We also include a brief summary of early work on a prototype tool addressing these requirements. Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
Export Date: 2 January 2020; Conference Paper; Correspondence Address: Jongeling, R.; Mälardalen UniversitySweden; email: