Toward sustainable development: from neoclassical monopoly to democracy-oriented economics
2019 (English)In: Economics and the ecosystem / [ed] Edward Fullbrook & Jamie Morgan, Bristol: World Economics Association BOOKS , 2019, p. 393-425Chapter in book (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
Some development trends in our societies are unsustainable. Economics as a discipine claims to be helpful in solving problems of governance. Neoclassical economics has been in close to monopoly position in education and research in a period when a number of development indicators suggest that we have failed. In this essay it is suggested that the mentioned monopoly position of neoclassical theory is an essential part of the problems faced. The role and responsibility of neoclassical economists and university departments of economics for the present crisis need to be examined.
Contrary to neoclassical ideas about value-neutrality, it is argued that value issues and paradigm issues need to be discussed as part of principles of pluralism and democracy. A new definition of economics is suggested in terms of "multidimensional management of resources in a democratic society" together with a conceptual framework that claims to be useful in relation to sustainability issues. Alternatives to neoclassical ideas about individuals, organizations, markets, decision-making, assessment of public projects etc. are proposed.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Bristol: World Economics Association BOOKS , 2019. p. 393-425
Keywords [en]
sustainable development, neoclassical economics, ecological economics, democracy, political economic person, ideological orientation, political economic organization, Positional Analysisi
National Category
Social Sciences Other Social Sciences
Research subject
Industrial Economics and Organisations
URN: urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-46610ISBN: 978-1-911156-46-8 (print)ISBN: 978-1-911156-47-5 (electronic)ISBN: 978-1-911156-48-2 (electronic)OAI:, id: diva2:1381222
Samma text har tidigare publicerats i "Real world economics review, issue 80, och in- rapporterats till DiVA. Det handlade då om en enbart digital publicering. Nu finns alltså texten också i paperback. Texten i Abstract är en annan vid tidigare publicering.
Den bok i vilket kapitlet är publicerat (kapitel 13) utgör en internationell kraftsamling av ledande heterodoxa ekonomer för att peka på alternativa perspektiv inom national- och företagsekonomi när det gäller klimatkrisen.
2019-12-202019-12-202022-11-08Bibliographically approved