Moral case deliberation is one form of clinical ethics support, and there seems to be different ways of facilitating thedialogue. This paper aimed to explore the personal experiences of Swedish facilitators of their role in moral casedeliberations. Being a facilitator was understood through the metaphor of sailing: against the wind or with it. Therole was likened to a sailor’s set of skills: to promote security and well-being of the crew, to help crew navigate theirmoral reflections, to sail a course into the wind against homogeneity, to accommodate the crew’s needs and just sail withthe wind, and to steer towards a harbour with authority and expertise. Balancing the disparate roles of being accom-modative and challenging may create a free space for emotions and ideas, including self-reflection and consideration ofmoral demands. This research opens the question of whether all these skills can be taught through systematic training orwhether facilitators need to possess the characteristics of being therapeutic, pedagogical, provocative, sensitive andauthoritarian.